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发布时间:2018-09-19 19:01
【摘要】:译员在汉英口译实践中经常会遇到有问题的中文源语。中文发言中时常出现成分残缺、逻辑混乱、句式杂糅、搭配不当等问题。本文以Daniel Gile的认知负荷模型为理论基础,通过实证研究探寻四种源语语病对汉英同传翻译质量的影响,讨论不同语病造成的影响是否相同,并分析影响机制。笔者以两组共16名同等水平的北京外国语大学高级翻译学院研二年级学生为研究对象,进行了包括听力理解、影子练习和汉英同传三个任务的对比实验,并在实验后对受试者进行了有针对性的采访。接着笔者对每位受试者三个任务的表现进行评分,并对数据进行定量和定性分析。分析结果显示,本文研究的四种中文源语语病会降低受试者汉英同传的翻译质量,而且不仅问题语句的翻译质量会下降,无问题语句的翻译质量也会变差。逻辑混乱和成分缺失两种问题对翻译质量影响最大。研究表明,要克服源语语病对翻译质量的干扰,译员可以采用延长听说时间差(Ear-VoiceSpan,简称EVS)、积累背景知识以及针对问题语言进行同传练习等办法。
[Abstract]:In the practice of Chinese-English interpretation, interpreters often encounter problems in Chinese source language. Chinese speech often appears incomplete elements, logic confusion, syntactic hybridity, mismatch and other problems. Based on Daniel Gile's cognitive load model, this paper explores the effects of four source language diseases on the quality of Chinese-English simultaneous interpretation, discusses whether the effects of different diseases are the same or not, and analyzes the influence mechanism. Two groups of 16 senior translation students of Beijing Foreign Studies University were selected as the subjects of this study. Three tasks, including listening comprehension, shadow practice and simultaneous interpretation between Chinese and English, were carried out in the two groups, and a comparative study was conducted on three tasks: listening comprehension, shadow practice and simultaneous interpretation between Chinese and English. After the experiment, the subjects were interviewed. Then the author scored the performance of the three tasks and analyzed the data quantitatively and qualitatively. The results show that the four Chinese source language diseases studied in this paper will reduce the translation quality of Chinese and English simultaneous interpretation, and not only the translation quality of the question sentence will decline, but the translation quality of the no-problem sentence will also become worse. The two problems of logic confusion and lack of components have the greatest impact on translation quality. The study shows that in order to overcome the interference of the source language disease on translation quality, interpreters can use extended time difference (Ear-VoiceSpan,) to accumulate background knowledge and practice simultaneous interpretation for the problem language.


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