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发布时间:2018-10-05 21:57
[Abstract]:As the core book of Chinese tea culture, Lu Yu's English translation of Tea Classic is of great value to the spread of Chinese tea culture in the western world. From the perspective of intertextuality and English translation, this paper probes into the strong vitality and vertical and horizontal intertextuality of the Cha Ching, and in the framework of systemic functional linguistics, based on the differences between the original text and the target text, the interpersonal meaning is discussed. From the three perspectives of conceptual meaning, this paper makes a contrastive analysis of the English versions of the Cha Ching by Chinese and American translators. In order to better promote and translate Chinese tea culture and accumulate experience for future study and reference in the field of tea culture, this paper also makes a comprehensive analysis of the translation results of different versions of Tea Classic at home and abroad.
【作者单位】: 江西卫生职业技术学院;


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