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发布时间:2018-10-12 20:31
[Abstract]:The World Energy Outlook 2015 has been translated. This book mainly introduces the current situation of energy development and the future trend of energy development. Energy is the material basis for survival and development and is closely related to human and social development, because of the waste of energy, unreasonable development and utilization, Low efficiency and other problems make the energy problem become a serious international problem. Since energy translation has become a hot topic, it has become a small field of translation. Under the guidance of Skopos theory and the particularity of energy translation, the author translated the energy report. Putting the energy situation of each country, all kinds of energy sources and global energy development trends first in the translation process provides an important reference for energy monitoring, adjustment and sustainability throughout the world, To better understand and understand current and future global energy public opinion among those interested in energy and energy researchers, and to make accurate decisions on the basis of which energy research and strategies can be better developed and international energy cooperation strengthened, Promote the sustainable development of energy. This paper analyzes translation practice based on Skopos theory. The author uses specific translation methods and techniques from lexical, syntactic and textual levels. For example, at the lexical level, the author uses literal translation, free translation, incremental translation, saving translation, translatability translation and so on, while at the syntactic level, the author mainly uses the methods of partial translation, co-translation, transposable translation and transposition translation, etc. Cohesion techniques are mainly used in discourse analysis, including grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion. Skopos theory plays an important role in translation practice through the application of various translation methods and techniques. This article includes six chapters. This paper first introduces the reasons of translation, the task of translation and the process of translation, then introduces the Skopos theory adopted in translation theory, and then analyzes the application of translation methods and techniques in translation practice. Finally, the translation practice is summarized.


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