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发布时间:2018-10-13 08:19
[Abstract]:In recent years, the study of lexical chunks has received extensive attention from linguists. As an important part of language construction, the use of lexical chunks directly affects the writing ability of Chinese EFL learners. The four times lexical chunks are more phrasal in structure and function, so they become the main object of lexical chunks. On the other hand, the writing level of Chinese students has always been their weakness. CET-4 and CET-6 are the most important tests in China, and CET-4 and CET-6 are also the criteria for many recruitment companies to measure students' English proficiency. At present, the researches on lexical chunks of Chinese second language learners are more focused on academic writing ability, but less on lexical chunks in CET-4 and CET-6 compositions. In addition, Ma Guanghui, a Chinese scholar, said that time-limited writing can directly reflect students' ability to use lexical chunks. Therefore, it is of great significance to explore the use of four-word chunks in 4-6 time-limited writing. Corpus linguistics is one of the fastest growing research fields in contemporary linguistics. With the development of corpus linguistics, new approaches and studies on writing, especially lexical chunks, are emerging. Therefore, the present study uses a corpus approach to investigate the basic situation of four-word chunks in the time-limited writing of Chinese second language learners. Based on previous studies, this paper focuses on a comprehensive survey of lexical chunks used by L2 learners in China. First, Chinese students use more lexical chunks than native English students, especially the notional chunks related to subjects, and Chinese L2 learners tend to use verb chunks rather than noun chunks; In addition, in argumentative writing, native English learners and second language learners have great differences in the function and structure of lexical chunks. For example, compared with the main verb chunks, Chinese students seldom use the lexical chunks. Second, in the writing of argumentation and narrative, Chinese L2 learners do not have much difference in function and structure of four-word lexical chunks. Although Chinese students tend to use more functional lexical chunks in argumentation, the proportion is still very small compared with native English learners. Thirdly, in Chinese students' English writing, the use of verb chunks is positively related to their English writing level, but noun chunks have no correlation. Based on the results of the study on the use of lexical chunks by Chinese EFL learners, in order to improve the writing level of L2 learners in China, this thesis proposes the following suggestions for English writing teachers of Chinese undergraduate students: 1. Teachers should emphasize the teaching of lexical chunks, especially the teaching of noun chunks and verb chunks. Second, teachers should pay attention to the difference between the function and structure of lexical chunks in argumentation and narrative text, and the knowledge about the functions of lexical chunks should be passed on to students. Third, teachers should make more efforts to improve the correct use of verb chunks and the number of noun chunks.


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