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发布时间:2018-10-13 09:10
【摘要】:言语幽默是幽默的主要形式,是一种普遍的语言现象,几乎存在于人们生活的各个方面。从古希腊时代起就有很多不同学术领域的学者对言语幽默进行研究。随着语言学的发展,现代语言学领域的学者对言语幽默也越来越有兴趣,并且尝试着从不同的语言学视角去探究言语幽默。一般而言,现代语言学主要从三个语言学视角来探究言语幽默,分别为语义学、语用学及认知语言学。这些研究已经取得了丰硕且有意义的成果。尽管互文性被认为是文本普遍存在的特性,但从互文性角度出发去探索言语幽默的研究却不多,故本文从互文性角度来分析言语幽默。鉴于《老友记》是著名的美国情景喜剧,其中包含着大量日常生活情景下的言语幽默,本研究以《老友记》为研究案例,运用量化分析和质化分析相结合的方法,旨在归纳《老友记》中引起言语幽默的互文形式,并分析这些互文形式是如何在言语幽默的产出过程中发挥作用的。《老友记》的影音及台词文本资料均来源于互联网。研究中使用Random Generator软件在每季中随机挑选3集,共30集作为研究数据,以保证研究的客观性和样本数据的置信度。根据统计数据,以哈蒂姆、梅森在2001年以及辛斌在2000年对互文性的分类为基础,在《老友记》中能够引起言语幽默的互文形式被分成两大类,分别为微观互文形式和宏观互文形式。微观互文形式又分成六类,分别为提及、引用、典故、谚语、行话和改编。宏观互文形式又分成四类,分别为体裁互文、功能互文、结构互文和主题互文。对具体例子的分析讨论体现了互文形式的恰当使用可成功引起幽默效果。在某种程度上,本研究可以帮助人们更好的理解相同文化内和不同文化间的言语幽默,能启发情景喜剧作家使用互文策略创造出更好的喜剧作品,也将互文理论的应用范围拓展到跨文化交际领域。
[Abstract]:Verbal humor is the main form of humor and a universal linguistic phenomenon, which exists in almost every aspect of people's life. Since ancient Greece, many scholars in different academic fields have studied verbal humor. With the development of linguistics, scholars in the field of modern linguistics are more and more interested in verbal humor, and try to explore verbal humor from different linguistic perspectives. Generally speaking, modern linguistics mainly explores verbal humor from three linguistic perspectives: semantics, pragmatics and cognitive linguistics. These studies have achieved fruitful and meaningful results. Although intertextuality is considered to be the universal feature of the text, there are few researches on verbal humor from the perspective of intertextuality, so this paper analyzes verbal humor from the perspective of intertextuality. In view of the fact that Friends is a famous American sitcom, which contains a lot of verbal humor in everyday life situations, this study takes Friends as a case study and combines quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the intertextuals in Friends and analyze how these intertextuals play a role in the production of verbal humor. In order to ensure the objectivity of the research and the confidence of the sample data, the Random Generator software is used to select 3 sets randomly in each quarter, altogether 30 sets are used as the research data in order to ensure the objectivity of the research and the confidence of the sample data. According to statistics, based on HarTim, Mason's classification of intertextuality in 2001 and Xin Bin's 2000 classification of intertextuality, the intertextuals that can cause verbal humor in Friends are divided into two broad categories. Micro intertextuality and macro intertextuality are respectively. Micro intertextuals are divided into six categories: reference, quotation, allusions, proverbs, jargon and adaptation. Macro intertextuality is divided into four categories: genre intertextuality, functional intertextuality, structural intertextuality and thematic intertextuality. The analysis and discussion of concrete examples show that proper use of intertextuality can lead to humorous effects. To some extent, this study can help people better understand verbal humor in the same culture and different cultures, and inspire sitcom writers to use intertextuality strategies to create better comedy works. It also extends the application of intertextuality theory to cross-cultural communication.


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