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发布时间:2018-10-16 20:38
[Abstract]:Whether language training can strengthen the cognitive control ability of non-verbal language has caused many controversies. The key to resolve the controversy lies in the longitudinal study. This study followed two groups of English majors for one year to explore the effect of interpretation training at the primary stage on the cognitive control ability of young adults. The key difference between the two groups was that one group received one year of interpretation training while the other group continued to study English in general. The results of pre-and post-test showed that the interaction between test time and group was significant in the number of WCST task discovery rules. Simple effect analysis showed that the difference between pre-test and post-test was significant in interpretation group, but not in control group. This shows that one year's interpretation training can promote the development of the non-verbal conversion ability of young adult bilinguals, and the interaction between test time and group is not significant in the task of digital Stroop and N-back. This indicates that interpretation training has no effect on inhibition (Stroop effect) and working memory renewal (N-back response time and accuracy). These results show that interpreting training can affect the cognitive control system of the subjects, and for the participants at this stage, it is mainly reflected in the ability of conversion.
【作者单位】: 华南农业大学;广东外语外贸大学;


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