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发布时间:2018-10-17 17:17
[Abstract]:The translation of traditional Chinese medicine terms into English has always been a difficult point. A large number of Chinese medicine terms are included in the bilingual dictionary of traditional Chinese medicine. However, the translation of Chinese medicine terms into English is different in terms of principles and methods of translation, resulting in the difference of translation. Therefore, based on the three Chinese-English dictionaries of TCM, this paper attempts to further clarify the problem of translating Chinese medicine terms into English from the concept of register put forward by systemic functional linguistics. It is pointed out that the difference in the translation of Chinese medicine terms in bilingual dictionaries is the result of the translator's choice of different fields, tenets and forms at the lexical level. In view of the function of bilingual dictionaries as reference books, it is suggested that the translation of Chinese medicine terms should highlight the characteristics of TCM register, construct register signs of TCM, and distinguish formal and informal terms.
【作者单位】: 陕西中医药大学外语学院;
【基金】:2014年度陕西省社会科学基金项目(2014J21)-中医双语词典之中医文化局限词翻译研究 2016年度陕西中医药大学基金项目(2016RW04)-认知语言学视角下的中医汉英词典多义词释义研究


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