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发布时间:2018-10-17 17:43
[Abstract]:Bidding activities as an important bridge in international trade, its status can not be ignored. However, international bidding documents are usually written in English, which makes it more difficult for Chinese tenderers or bidders to participate in international trade activities. Therefore, English-Chinese translation of tender documents is of great significance for Chinese tenderers or bidders to participate in international trade. This report is based on the translation of tender documents taken over by the author during his internship at Tide Software Group. The author introduces the whole process of translation in chronological order, including pre-translation preparation, translation planning, post-translation editing and revision. In addition, the author makes a detailed case study of the problems in the process of translation and puts forward solutions. Case studies are mainly carried out from two aspects: lexical translation and sentence translation. At the lexical level, the author explores the translation of technical terms, formal words, archaic words and modal verbs, and analyzes how to achieve the equivalence of stylistic features and mood of the translation, and at the sentence level, The author discusses the translation of long sentences and passive sentences, and analyzes how to achieve the equivalence of readers' responses. It is hoped that this report will be helpful to the translation of tender documents into English and Chinese. The translation process and solutions described in the report can provide a reference for the translation of similar texts in the future.


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