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发布时间:2018-10-21 18:31
[Abstract]:Retranslation is not uncommon in literary translation, especially in literary classics. It is mainly divided into transliteration, backtranslation, translation of the same work by different translators, and retranslation of the same work by the same translator. This paper focuses on the last phenomenon of retranslation. Since 1980's, the translation circles in China have set off a trend of "name focusing on translation", and many classical works even have more than a dozen versions. However, domestic retranslation studies mainly focus on the translation of the same work by different translators, and few on the phenomenon of retranslation of the same translator. This paper takes Eugene Nida's theory of dynamic equivalence as the theoretical basis, and takes the translation of 1979 and 2002 editions of Gehulan River as a case study. Through the comparative analysis of the two versions before and after, it is pointed out that the retranslation is in words and sentences. The progress in all aspects of the text shows the importance of the same translator for the same translation, in order to provide reference for the development of the retranslation. [Hulan he Zhuan] is the representative work of Xiao Hong, a famous Chinese writer. It is a treasure in the history of Chinese literature. In 1979, Gehulan first translated the Biography of the Hulan River into English, opening its international door. However, the 1979 edition was mainly literal, some of which were difficult to understand, and failed to convey the beauty of the original to the reader. In 1988, the publisher made a slight revision of the translation. In 2002, it took more than 20 years of translation to precipitate. He retranslated this work, which meant a lot to him. Version 2002 is more concise and timely than previous versions. In terms of vocabulary, many outdated, wrong or dim words have been replaced, simplifying verbose expressions; in syntax, the use of punctuation has been adjusted, word order has been reorganized, and procrastination has been eliminated; in the text, attention has been paid to relevance words. The application of dialogue mode excavates the deep meaning of the article. These elevations add color to the translation, helping to convey the beauty of the original.


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1 许渊冲;谈重译──兼评许钧[J];外语与外语教学;1996年06期

2 罗新璋;;复译之难[J];中国翻译;1991年05期

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1 张俐;论文学作品的重译[D];湖南师范大学;2009年




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