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发布时间:2018-10-21 18:37
【摘要】:随着全球化进程的推进,我国对于国外原版教材的需求量日益增加,引进国外教材对于国内高等院校的教材建设和教学发展起到积极的推动和促进作用。教材的翻译直接关系到知识文化能否有效传播,因此对于其翻译策略也有较高要求。目前国内引进和翻译的教材数量庞大,但对于教材翻译的理论研究尚未形成完整体系,因此需要更加系统的翻译理论和策略做指导。本项目报告以英文原版教材《数字时代的创意写作》(Creative Writingin the DigitalAge)第十四章为研究对象,通过实例分析来说明教材翻译的目的与意义,探讨译者在教材翻译中的作用和角色以及教材翻译中可采用的技巧和策略,以功能对等理论为指导,强调传达表层含义之外的深层文化信息。我国创意写作仍处于探索阶段,因此本教材不仅填补了国内数字背景下创意写作教材的缺失,同时也推进了文化创意产业的发展。此类教材专业性强,学科跨度大,目前国内对其的翻译研究也未形成完整体系,因此具有更高研究价值。同时,翻译研究与翻译实践二者相辅相成,因此翻译理论和策略的研究对于今后的翻译实践也具有重要意义。笔者希望本项目报告能够在积累此类翻译经验提高翻译水平的同时,也能总结教材翻译中运用到的翻译策略,为相关领域的研究提供一点参考。
[Abstract]:With the advancement of globalization, the demand for foreign original textbooks is increasing day by day in China. The introduction of foreign textbooks plays a positive role in promoting and promoting the construction and teaching development of domestic institutions of higher learning. The translation of textbooks is directly related to the effective dissemination of knowledge culture. At present, there are a large number of textbooks introduced and translated in China, but the theoretical research on the translation of textbooks has not yet formed a complete system. Therefore, more systematic translation theories and strategies are needed to guide them. This project report takes the original English textbook "Creative Writing in the Digital Age" as the research object, and illustrates the purpose and significance of the textbook translation through case analysis. This paper probes into the role and role of the translator in the translation of the textbook and the skills and strategies that can be adopted in the translation of the textbook, under the guidance of the functional equivalence theory, emphasizing on conveying the deep cultural information beyond the surface meaning. Creative writing in China is still in the exploratory stage, so this textbook not only fills up the lack of creative writing textbooks under the domestic digital background, but also promotes the development of cultural and creative industries. This kind of teaching material is highly professional and has a wide range of disciplines. At present, there is no complete system of translation studies on it in China, so it has higher research value. At the same time, translation studies and translation practice complement each other, so the study of translation theory and strategy is of great significance to translation practice in the future. The author hopes that the project report can not only accumulate such translation experience to improve the level of translation, but also summarize the translation strategies used in the translation of textbooks, and provide a little reference for the research in related fields.


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