[Abstract]:As China plays an increasingly important role in the international arena, The Sound of China It is of great significance to study the English translation of the report because of the extensive concern of foreign people, and the "government work report" is an effective way to understand China's development situation objectively and truly. The report fully reflects China's national conditions, so there will be a large number of words and expressions with Chinese characteristics, which will bring difficulties to the translation work. The study of the English translation of the Report of the Government has aroused the interest of many scholars and English learners in China. They analyze the English versions of the report from the perspective of equivalence theory, function teleology, association theory and ecological translation. However, it is from the requirement of theory to illustrate how the translation strategy should be adopted in some language phenomenon. Based on the four basic operational models of concept integration theory, this paper focuses on the analysis of translation thinking operation process from the perspective of translation. The development of cognitive linguistics has laid the foundation for the emergence of concept theory. The theory of concept integration is also called fusion theory. The theory was put forward by the American linguist Fauconnier, working with his colleagues to make the theory perfect. FauconnierTurner proposes four most basic operational frameworks based on the four-space theory operation model. These operational frameworks provide a theoretical model to study the cognitive process of translation, so that the original abstract cognitive thinking process becomes vivid. At the same time, the theoretical practice of combining the theory with the translation process by domestic scholars also provides theoretical guidance for this paper. Based on the linguistic characteristics of "report of government work", the author uses the method of qualitative analysis to analyze the cognitive process behind each translation strategy from the three levels of words, sentences and text, respectively. Then, it sums up the concept of the whole operation frame to analyze some kind of language phenomenon in the later translation practice, and how to use the translation strategy to realize the cognition of the target language reader and the source language reader. This article is divided into five parts altogether. In the first chapter, the paper introduces the background and importance of the research, expounds the research methods and research issues, and briefly summarizes the article structure. The second chapter is literature review. First of all, the author summarizes the research status and application of the theory of concept integration at home and abroad, and then gives a brief introduction to the research on the English translation of the "report of government work", and points out the shortcomings of their research, thus finding the entry point for the study in this paper. The third chapter is the theoretical framework of this paper. This Part is an introduction to the concept integration theory, including the definition of the terminology involved in the theory, the basic framework of concept integration and the four basic network modes of operation, optimization principle and concept integration. Chapter 4 is the main part of this paper, which is divided into two sub-parts. In the first part, the author sums up the characteristics of
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