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发布时间:2018-10-24 12:45
[Abstract]:Learning and teaching grammar plays an important role in high school English teaching in China. Grammar is the basic part of language knowledge and the basis of cultivating students' language learning ability. Grammar teaching has a great proportion of class hours in English classroom teaching in senior high school. At the same time, high school English grammar teaching in the new round of curriculum reform, but also faced many new challenges. The existing grammar teaching schools are diverse. In recent years, there is a tendency of desalination grammar teaching and the coexistence of traditional grammar teaching mode in grammar teaching field of middle school. Desalination of grammar teaching improves students' listening and speaking ability, but also makes students' language comprehension and reading and writing ability decline. The traditional grammar teaching model is too much more important than the copying of grammar rules, which frustrated students' interest. The new curriculum standard clearly requires that too much attention should be paid to the explanation and teaching of grammar and vocabulary, and that the cultivation of students' practical ability to use language should be neglected. Therefore, the current teaching focus is what kind of grammar teaching mode can actually cultivate students' ability to use and improve students' interest in English learning and parallel development. The author has been engaged in English teaching in senior high school for many years. Through practical teaching, the author has developed the teaching mode of drawing method to teach English grammar in senior high school, and has achieved good results. Drawing method is a kind of teaching method in which drawing is the main form to reveal the essential features of English grammar rules in middle schools, stimulate students' thinking, make them master English grammar knowledge and improve grammar teaching. Drawing method makes it easy to understand and deal with English grammar teaching in middle school by using graphics, drawing diagram, static diagram, diagram and so on, especially makes the complicated grammar structure become clear, simple and easy to understand. It is very beneficial and effective for students to learn grammar knowledge. Drawing method has abundant theoretical support in English grammar teaching in senior high school, especially the scientific theory of thinking map, which provides a new research field for this method. Based on the actual teaching situation, the teaching effect of drawing method is investigated in the experimental class and the non-experimental class. The author mainly studies whether the drawing method can improve the English grammar learning interest of senior high school students and whether it can improve the grammar examination scores of senior high school students. Drawing method, a new teaching method, has broken through the traditional thinking in teaching practice, improved students' English grammar test scores, aroused students' interest in learning grammar, and also made a unique way from the perspective of curriculum reform. Its application in grammar teaching in senior high school will bring about new teaching methods and changes for the reform of English grammar teaching. The author will continue to study the drawing method in practical teaching and try to explore its shortcomings in order to better serve the English grammar teaching in senior high school.


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