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发布时间:2018-11-03 11:24
【摘要】:世界范围内的商业交流推动和促进了商务英语的发展。商务英语,作为一门专门用途英语在国际商贸交流中起到了举足轻重的作用。商务英语教材,作为一种重要媒介,为中外商务活动的开展起到了传播商务知识的作用。商务英语教材翻译帮助了众多海外求学但英语能力不足的中国学子更好地学习商务专业知识。翻译商务英语教材同翻译其他类型文本一样,是一个用准确恰当的目的语来对原文本的信息内容进行再现的过程。其中不仅涉及到较多的商务性专业词汇和句式,但也由于该项目翻译同时也是教学用书,因而,如何能够在忠实原文本信息的基础上用简洁易懂的语言将原文本信息准确恰当的表达出来也给翻译工作增加了一定的难度。本翻译实践报告选取Paul Hoang的《商业与管理》(第二版)作为翻译材料,翻译了该书第一单元的第一二章节。本翻译项目节选部分的章节包含以下内容:企业的定义、企业的收入与支出、生产要素、企业职能部门、三大产业中的商业活动、公司类型以及部分机构种类。在此次翻译实践报告中,译者以目的论为理论指导,通过翻译该教材节选章节,初步研究了商务英语教材文本中的一词多义、缩略词以及商务英语中常出现的复合词等现象,并根据目的论的“目的”“通顺”“忠实”三大原则对文本中的典型句式加以分析,从而展现了目的论在商务英语翻译中的具体运用。报告最后译者从三方面总结了本项目翻译过程中的心得体会即:1.基本的双语转换能力;2.丰富的专业知识;3.理论与实践的高度结合。在此基础上译者认识到自身商务领域专业知识的不足,希望在日后的翻译学习中可以得到更大的进步。本翻译报告分为四个部分:第一部分是项目概述,介绍了选择该项目的目的及意义;第二部分是原文本的相关介绍,介绍了原文本作者和内容以及原文本的受众范围和影响力;第三部分主要介绍所用的翻译理论以及在该翻译理论指导下词汇和句子的翻译;第四部分归纳总结了翻译该商务英语类教材的心得体会。
[Abstract]:Business communication around the world promotes and promotes the development of business English. Business English, as a special purpose English, plays an important role in international trade and trade communication. As an important medium, business English textbooks play an important role in spreading business knowledge for the development of Chinese and foreign business activities. Translation of business English textbooks helps many Chinese students who study overseas but have poor English skills to learn business knowledge better. Translation of business English textbooks, like other types of texts, is a process of reproducing the information content of the original text with accurate and appropriate target language. It not only involves more professional business vocabulary and sentence structure, but also because the translation of the project is also a teaching book, so, How to express the original text information accurately and properly on the basis of faithful original text information in simple and easy to understand language also makes translation work more difficult. This translation practice report selects Paul Hoang's Business and Management (2nd Edition) as the translation material, translating the first and second chapters of the first unit of the book. The chapter includes the definition of the enterprise, the income and expenditure of the enterprise, the factors of production, the functional department of the enterprise, the business activities in the three major industries, the types of companies and some kinds of organizations. In this translation practice report, the translator, guided by the Skopos theory, preliminarily studies the polysemy, acronyms and compound words in the text of Business English by translating the excerpts from the textbook. According to the three principles of Skopos, Skopos and faithfulness, this paper analyzes the typical sentence patterns in the text, thus showing the concrete application of Skopos in business English translation. At the end of the report, the translator summarizes the experience of the project from three aspects: 1. Basic bilingual conversion ability; 2. A wealth of expertise; 3. The combination of theory and practice. On the basis of this, the translator recognizes the deficiency of his own professional knowledge in the field of business and hopes to make greater progress in translation learning in the future. The translation report is divided into four parts: the first part is an overview of the project, which introduces the selection and significance of the project, the second part is a related introduction of the original text, the author and content of the original text, as well as the audience scope and influence of the original text; The third part introduces the translation theory and the translation of words and sentences under the guidance of the translation theory, and the fourth part summarizes the experience of translating the business English textbook.


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