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发布时间:2018-11-03 11:36
[Abstract]:This report is based on the interpretation practice of the annual conference of Northeast Asia International language and Culture Research Base in 2016. At the meeting, the author made simultaneous interpretation from Chinese to English by Professor Quan Herod, School of Foreign languages, Jilin University. After the session to live recording as text, analysis and summary, form practice report. First of all, it describes the task of interpreting practice, introduces the background of the practice, the division of tasks and the language characteristics of the speaker, then explains the interpretation process, introduces the preparatory work before translation, briefly describes the whole practice process, and makes a post-translation evaluation. Then, the author classifies the problems existing in the translator's practice, including missing translation, false translation and improper pause, and analyzes and summarizes the causes of the problems. Finally, the author puts forward some solutions to the problems such as prediction, leaving the language shell and breaking sentences. This is the first time for the author to try simultaneous interpretation at a conference. He has a clearer understanding of simultaneous interpretation, finds out the problems existing in the translation of his own academic seminar, analyzes its causes, and gives some solutions. The author hopes to provide reference for the interpretation practice of the same subject matter in the future.


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