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发布时间:2018-11-04 11:38
[Abstract]:Based on the analysis of co-occurrence words, category joins, semantic trends and semantic prosody, this paper takes the high-frequency words in the self-built English newspaper corpus as the paraphrase. Based on the evaluation theory and the conceptual integration theory, the implicit lexical and clause attitude resources in the typical class join structure are explained in detail. The findings are as follows: (1) in the three typical collocation frames, the editorial almost does not use the emotional system, but mainly uses the judgment system and the appreciation system attitude resources; (2) the editorial has different appraisals on the relationship between China and different countries, and holds a positive attitude towards the things and behaviors in China; (3) the attitude of the editorial is usually expressed in an implicit way to enhance the objectivity of the commentary.
【作者单位】: 广东警官学院;
【基金】:2014国家社科基金项目“中国对外宣传的英译语言研究”(编号14BYY022) 广东警官学院科研项目“英语报刊时评文章的短语形态和功能”(编号2014-S03)的成果之一


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