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发布时间:2018-11-04 18:33
[Abstract]:Australian novels are an important part of the rise of contemporary Australian culture and a bridge between Chinese and Australian cultures. The translation of Australian novels into Chinese can show Chinese culture lovers Australian literary style. This paper is a translation practice report. The translated text is selected from chapters 9 to 11 of Australian writer Helen Garner's novel the spare Room. Helen Garner, a famous contemporary female writer in Australia. In this novel, in addition to the main characters Helen and Nikolay, there are also depictions of Alice, Bessie, Gabe and others. The description of language, behavior and psychological activities reflects the character of the characters, so translation will encounter a lot of problems. Therefore, under the translation principle of Yan Fu, the author uses translation skills to solve the problems and difficulties encountered in translation. This translation practice report is a detailed description of this process. The translation report is divided into four parts: the first part is the translation task description, which mainly introduces the background of translation task, the characteristics of translation task and the literature review. The second part is the description of translation process, including pre-translation preparation, translation process and post-translation issues. The third part is a case study of translation, which mainly includes the difficulties in translation tasks and how to solve the difficulties in translation under the guidance of the principles of "faithfulness, elegance and elegance". The fourth part is a summary of translation practice, mainly reflecting on the process of translation and suggestions.


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