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发布时间:2018-11-09 21:10
[Abstract]:Pride and Prejudice, as one of Jane Austen's classics, is popular. The Chinese versions of Wang Keyi and Sun Zhili are the most prestigious and highly praised translations in China. The previous studies on the two Chinese versions mainly focus on linguistics and literature, but few people compare the two versions from the perspective of ecological translation. Under the guidance of Eco-translation, this paper compares the two Chinese versions from the perspective of three-dimensional translation, namely, the interpretation of the similarities and differences in the translation from the three dimensions of language, culture and communication. At the same time, this paper attempts to reveal the causal relationship between the selective adaptation and adaptive choice of the translator in the translation process, and to analyze the causes of the differences in the translation. In terms of linguistic dimension, this paper analyzes the lexical, rhetorical and syntactic aspects, and studies the translation of address, culture-loaded words, proverbs, customs and social phenomena in the cultural dimension. In the communicative dimension, the communicative purpose and effect of the two versions are discussed. Through comparison, it is concluded that although Wang Keyi's version has also carried on the adaptive choice transformation to the three dimensions, but Sun Zhili's version has the higher degree of the adaptive choice conversion on the three dimensions. The differences in the three dimensions of language, culture and communication are due to the different adaptation of the two translators to their respective translation ecological environment, namely, their different personal experience, competence, translation motivation, and different social and historical backgrounds of translation. Different readers' needs and selective adaptation to the original text from different angles. Through analysis, it is concluded that Sun Zhi-li 's translation has a higher degree of integration and adaptation, so it is a better translation from the perspective of ecological translation.


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