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发布时间:2018-11-10 08:36
[Abstract]:A diplomatic speech, literally, is a speech related to a diplomatic topic. In fact, most diplomatic speeches take place in diplomatic settings, such as international conferences such as the United Nations General Assembly or regional forums such as the Boao Forum for Asia, speeches made by international leaders or diplomats. The interpretation of diplomatic speech is different from the interpretation of other materials. What it pursues is not pure aesthetic value but clear logic and reasonable reasoning. As an important part of the Boao Forum for Asia, the opening keynote speech of the Boao Forum for Asia provides a good opportunity for the world to understand China. In view of this, China should make full use of the platform to improve the quality of interpretation and translation of the keynote speech of Boao Forum for Asia. In the process of diplomatic speech translation, in order to make the reader grasp the text clearly, explicit and implicit are often used in translation. At present, explicit and implicit has become a hot topic in translation studies. However, there are relatively few researches on explicit and implicit interpretation. The purpose of this thesis is to study the explicit and implicit phenomena in diplomatic speech interpretation, and to conduct empirical research on the simulated interpretation of Premier Li Keqiang's keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia in 2016. This paper makes a comparative analysis of the explicit and implicit phenomena in the interpretation reference translation of Premier Li Keqiang's keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia and the author's own simulated interpretation translation. In this paper, firstly, the definition, classification, and research status of explicit and implicit at home and abroad are reviewed, and the political texts are briefly introduced. Then it analyzes the explicit and implicit phenomena in subjects' personal pronouns, connectedness and cultural factors, and summarizes the corresponding explicit implicit strategies and the influencing factors of explicit and implicit usage. Through the research, this paper draws the following conclusions: 1. Through the study of the Chinese-English interpretation of subjective personal pronouns, the author finds that there is an explicit phenomenon in the simulated interpretation, and in the process of translation, the strategy of increasing translation is often used. 2. Explicit and implicit phenomena also exist in the translation of connection. In the process of interpreting connective components, the strategies of manifestation and concealment are mainly increment and ellipsis. The frequency of manifesting is higher than that of concealment. In the interpretation of cultural elements, explicit and implicit techniques are used, such as addition, interpretation, ellipsis, etc. Among these techniques, interpretation strategies are used most frequently. 4. In the English-Chinese interpretation of this speech, the degree of manifestation is greater than that of concealment. Explicit and implicit phenomena are influenced by many factors, including language, culture, text and readers.


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