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发布时间:2018-11-10 10:29
[Abstract]:For Chinese readers, political satire is still a very strange subject matter, the reason behind it is that domestic readers do not know much about foreign politics and related terminology. However, with the deepening of globalization, domestic readers are paying more and more attention to global events. As a result, domestic attention to foreign political satire is increasing, and the need for translation of this kind of work is also increasing. Although there have been many previous studies on literary works in China, the subjects of study are rarely related to the subject of political satire. Most of the research has focused on poetry, drama and movies. The study of political satire from the perspective of translation is even rarer. This paper chooses Michael Moore's work "Man, where my country" as the object of study, trying to summarize the translation difficulties and problems in the process of translation. In the light of the translation techniques and the characteristics of political satirical works, the author hopes that through these work, our translation will be able to climb another high building and provide reference for the future translation of such works. Improve our level of translation in this field. There are many difficulties and problems in the process of translation of the work. Firstly, the translation of the work is the result of the joint efforts of many translators. Therefore, the coordination of translation among different translators is one of the key points of this paper. Secondly, there are a large number of obscure professional words in this work, which are difficult to understand by ordinary readers, so it is particularly important for the detailed translation of the text. Thirdly, because the work is a subject of political satire, the text is full of all kinds of direct and obscure satirical elements. How to accurately and appropriately present these satirical elements to the domestic readers is also the focus of this paper. Finally, because Mike Moore is a native American, the text is full of native words that are difficult to find in Chinese. How to translate these words into Chinese accurately under the guidance of Skopos theory is also a difficult point in this paper. This paper will discuss in detail how to solve the above translation problems in this work and summarize the experience and lessons from the translation practice. Following the Skopos principle, the author criticizes verbatim translation with examples and points out its improper use. At the same time, the report explores various translation methods to solve the difficulties in the translation of political satire novels. Most importantly, the report's discussion on cooperative translation will undoubtedly provide a useful reference for future work.


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