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发布时间:2018-11-13 12:10
[Abstract]:Based on the theory of radiative category in cognitive linguistics and Chinese native language learners, this paper focuses on the language classroom and explores the application of radiative categories to the teaching of second language vocabulary. Compared with the traditional vocabulary teaching method, it can promote the second language learners to learn the second language vocabulary. In order to reduce the changing factors of teaching experiment and ensure that teaching experiment is more effective, the author is the teacher of vocabulary teaching, carries on the vocabulary teaching experiment, and carries on the teaching to the experimental class with the radiation type category vocabulary teaching method. The basic meaning is at the center of the radiation category, and the abstract meaning is on the edge of the radiation category. According to the teaching method of the radiation category, the basic meaning of the word is explained first, and then the abstract meaning radiated from the basic meaning is explained. Stimulate students' divergent thinking. The traditional vocabulary teaching method is adopted in the control class, and the example is used to explain the meaning of the word. The experimental class and the control class each used four classes, a class of 20 words, the teaching time lasted one month. After a one-month teaching experiment, the author designed three test papers to test students' ability of vocabulary memory, association and application of vocabulary. After the completion of the test, the first post-test of vocabulary memory ability was conducted with SPSS to see if there were significant differences in vocabulary memory ability between the experimental class and the control class. Then the four groups of words were retroactively tested to see whether there were significant differences between the experimental class and the control class. Then the second posttest of vocabulary association ability was conducted with SPSS to see if there were significant differences in the second language association ability between the experimental class and the control class. Thirdly, the third post test of vocabulary application ability is conducted with SPSS to see if there are significant differences in vocabulary application ability between the experimental class and the control class. In order to further prove the effectiveness of the radiative vocabulary teaching method, the L2 learners in the experimental class were able to acquire vocabulary effectively without the teacher's explanation. Two weeks after the above test, the L2 learners were able to acquire vocabulary effectively. The author designed three test papers to test students' vocabulary memory ability, vocabulary association ability, and vocabulary application ability. After the test, SPSS was used to carry out vocabulary memory ability and vocabulary association ability respectively. And three delayed posttests of vocabulary application ability to see if there are significant differences in vocabulary memory ability, vocabulary association ability, and vocabulary application ability between the experimental class and the control class. Finally, according to the post-test results, the application of radiative category in L2 vocabulary teaching can promote L2 learners' learning of L2 vocabulary, second language learners' vocabulary memory ability and vocabulary association ability, compared with traditional vocabulary teaching methods. And improve the ability of vocabulary application. Radiative category vocabulary teaching provides guidance for L2 teachers. In the future, L2 vocabulary teaching can improve the efficiency of L2 vocabulary teaching by stimulating the divergent thinking of L2 learners by using schemata from the center to the edge of the L2 vocabulary teaching. To improve the present situation of second language vocabulary teaching, the radiant category vocabulary teaching method is a good teaching method which can be tried in the future teaching reform.


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