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发布时间:2018-11-14 20:03
【摘要】:本文是一篇英译中翻译报告。原文节选自Dark Secret(《黑暗秘密》)前三章。该书作者克莉丝汀.菲翰在卡巴希恩小说(黑暗系列小说)方面具有很高造诣,用那些充满神秘色彩的奇幻爱情故事吸引着千万读者。Dark Secret(《黑暗秘密》)这部小说主要讲述了来自丛林的野蛮猎人Rafael(拉斐尔)与他的美味猎物---牧场女孩Colby(科尔比)的爱情故事。笔者节选该书前三部分作为翻译项目,累计一万余字。主要讲述了男主人公拉斐尔与女主人公科尔比的相遇,以及科尔比对拉斐尔态度的转变,这些都为刻画小说主题起到了铺垫作用。该文本的翻译可以帮助年轻人树立良好的爱情观。在翻译本书之前,笔者做了诸多准备工作,通过查询词典,网站及软件,了解了卡巴希恩小说及爱情这一主题的相关知识,于此同时,笔者阅读了相关平行文本,例如《黑暗屠杀》、《黑暗诅咒》及《黑暗占有》对原作者克莉丝汀.菲翰的写作风格有了清晰的了解。另外,在翻译之前,笔者认真阅读了全书,明白了作者的写作意图,写作背景及文章主要内容。对原文本写作目的和语言风格的准确把握可以使译文做到“信”和“达”。因此,在本翻译实践报告第一章中,笔者对原文写作背景和翻译价值进行了阐释。第二章笔者进行了文本分析,重难点分析及相关译前准备工作。笔者在案例分析部分就修辞手法,长难句的翻译进行了案例分析。在修辞手法的翻译过程中,笔者采用了句式重构,意译及省略法。长难句笔者主要采用从句子结构上分析的方法这是因为英汉语间存在着形合与意合的巨大差异,在进行翻译的过程中,笔者结合相关翻译方法与知识储备,包括查阅词典及相关平行文本。通过此次翻译实践,笔者深刻理解到以下几点:1.翻译理论与翻译策略的使用对奠定文章的基调,确定文章的语言风格至关重要;2.译者在掌握翻译技能的同时涉猎百科知识对翻译大有裨益;3.用心观察生活,认真体验生活更有利于译者理解原文;最后,译前准备的充分,翻译过程的严谨和译后校审的仔细是保证翻译质量的基本要求。
[Abstract]:This paper is an English translation report. Excerpts from the first three chapters of Dark Secret (. The author of the book is Christine. Fihan was highly accomplished in Kabashian's novels (the Dark Series). The novel is about Rafael, a savage hunter from the jungle, and his delicious prey, the ranch. Girl Colby's love story. The author extracts the first three parts of the book as a translation project, cumulative more than 10, 000 words. It mainly tells the encounter between Raphael and Colby, and the change of Colby's attitude towards Raphael, all of which pave the way for depicting the theme of the novel. The translation of this text can help young people to establish a good view of love. Before translating the book, the author has done a lot of preparatory work, through consulting the dictionary, website and software, I have learned about the subject of Kabashian's novel and love. At the same time, the author has read the relevant parallel text. For example, DarksMassacre, the Dark Curse, and the Dark possession to the original author Christine. Fickham's writing style was clearly understood. In addition, before the translation, the author carefully read the book, understand the author's writing intention, writing background and the main content of the article. An accurate understanding of the purpose and language style of the original text can make the translation "letter" and "reach". Therefore, in the first chapter of this translation practice report, the author explains the background and translation value of the original text. In chapter two, the author makes a text analysis, the analysis of the important difficulties and the preparation of the relevant pre-translation. In the part of case analysis, the author makes a case study on rhetorical devices and translation of long difficult sentences. In the process of rhetorical translation, the author adopts sentence reconstruction, free translation and ellipsis. The author mainly adopts the method of sentence structure analysis because there are great differences between English and Chinese in terms of hypotaxis and parataxis. In the process of translation, the author combines the relevant translation methods with the knowledge reserve. Including reference to dictionaries and related parallel texts. Through this translation practice, the author deeply understands the following points: 1. The use of translation theory and translation strategies is very important in setting the tone and determining the language style. 2. While mastering translation skills, translators dabble in encyclopedic knowledge for translation; 3. Observing life carefully and experiencing life conscientiously are more conducive to the translator's understanding of the original text. Finally, adequate preparation, rigor in the translation process and careful revision are the basic requirements to ensure the quality of translation.


相关期刊论文 前2条

1 陈琳;;论陌生化翻译[J];中国翻译;2010年01期

2 刘庆荣;;英语长句的翻译[J];中国翻译;2009年06期




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