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发布时间:2018-11-15 09:29
[Abstract]:American sign language has a long history and is closely related to French sign language. The source and development of American sign language etymology handbook are described in detail. The purpose of this translation is to introduce the development of sign language in the United States, to increase people's awareness of the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities, and to provide reference for the development of sign language in China. The guiding theory of this paper is functional equivalence theory. This paper is divided into four chapters: the first chapter is a general introduction to the report, including the reasons for choosing the topic, the significance and goal of the topic. The second chapter is the background of the original text, including the introduction of the author and the analysis of the original text. The third chapter is the translation process, which is the most important part of this paper. This chapter mainly includes translation theory, main difficulties and corresponding solutions. The fourth chapter is the summary of the whole translation report.


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