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发布时间:2018-11-15 10:51
[Abstract]:The rapid development of railway technology in China not only promotes domestic economic development, but also makes important contributions to international exchanges and cooperation. In order to carry forward China's advanced railway technology and further strengthen the technical exchange with other countries in the world, we must attach importance to the translation of railway texts. On the basis of text type theory, Skopos theory and translation behavior theory, Nord puts forward the theory of "functionalism plus loyalty", which is a further development of German functional translation theory. "function" refers to the intended function of the text in the target language environment, while "loyalty" refers to the interpersonal relationship between the translator and the author, the recipient and the initiator of the translation. The translator should consider the tripartite intention at the same time. This paper takes the textbook "Railway Transport Organization" as a case study, on the basis of partial translation, and based on the "function plus loyalty" theory of German functional school. This paper discusses the concrete translation methods of railway texts through theoretical research and practical application. This paper analyzes the features of the original language from the lexical and syntactic aspects, and under the guidance of this theory, studies the specific translation methods of railway terms, juxtaposition phrases, notional sentences and parataxis sentences, and analyzes the original author in this translation practice. The intention of the initiators and readers of translation and the ways to realize it. Considering the characteristics of the textbook, such as scientificity, strictness and acceptability, the author introduces the "loyalty" theory to emphasize that the translator should not adopt a single translation strategy and consider the intention of the original author, the initiator and the reader at the same time. In order to ensure the accuracy of the translation and the acceptability of the readers, the differences in expression, logic and culture between the two languages can be handled by various translation methods, so that the readers can accurately understand the information conveyed. In this paper, the theory of "function plus loyalty" is applied to the translation of railway texts for the first time, which not only expands the applicability of the theory but also enriches the theoretical guidance for the translation of railway texts.


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