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发布时间:2018-11-16 12:35
[Abstract]:In recent years, teachers have tried to teach games in English classrooms in most primary schools. Especially in cities, gameplay teaching has become the norm. In rural primary schools, most English teachers still use traditional teaching methods. So that students are not interested in learning English, resulting in their grades are not ideal. Therefore, the author makes this study to explore the feasibility and effectiveness of game teaching in stimulating pupils' interest in English learning and improving their English achievement in rural areas, and it is hoped that it will be of benefit to teachers engaged in primary school English teaching in rural areas. First of all, the author summarizes the research on the use of games in teaching at home and abroad. The definition, characteristics, functions and rules of game in teaching are summarized. Then the study was carried out on the basis of gamers, constructivism, learning by doing and multiple intelligences. This study attempts to solve two questions: since the game is a favorite form of entertainment for primary school students, can the application of games to English teaching in primary schools improve pupils' English academic performance? Which games are suitable for classroom teaching in rural primary schools? With these two questions in mind, the author began a three-month experiment. From the third grade of Baodi Gongzhuang Central Primary School, the author selects two classes as the comparative teaching experiment between the experimental class and the control class. The two classes are taught by the same teacher and the same teaching material, but with different methods, the experimental class is the teaching method of game teaching. The traditional teaching method is used in the control class. The author used the front and back sides to observe the changes of the students' scores in the two classes. The research methods used include literature survey, questionnaire survey, observation and interview. A questionnaire survey was conducted on the changes of students' English learning attitude and students' learning enthusiasm before and after the experiment. Classroom observation is used to record the activities of teachers and students in class. I invite other English teachers to attend the class and help make detailed records. Through the analysis of data and data, the author finds that game teaching can stimulate students' interest in learning and improve their scores. Static games are more suitable for rural children. In a word, in primary school rural English teaching, game teaching is not only feasible, but also an ideal teaching mode.


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