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发布时间:2018-11-17 07:48
[Abstract]:College English teaching is always regarded as time-consuming and inefficient. In order to better guide college English teaching and cultivate new talents with equal emphasis on professional skills and language abilities, the Ministry of Education began to develop the "Guide to College English Teaching" in 2013 and published a draft for comments in 2015. The key guiding significance is as follows: while affirming the instrumental nature of the course, it especially emphasizes its humanistic characteristics, in order to strengthen the cultivation of students' output ability, it is necessary to strengthen the input training; Change the teaching idea, take the student as the main body, take the study as the center, pay attention to the combination of the classroom teaching and the independent study, make full use of the integration of the computer network technology and the curriculum, innovate the teaching mode; The teaching effect does not take the examination result as the sole evaluation standard, but constructs the comprehensive evaluation system.
【作者单位】: 重庆三峡学院外国语学院;


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