[Abstract]:"getting rid of shame and self" is a book on psychology written by John Bradshaw, who also holds several positions: lawyer, writer, management consultant, theologian. Philosopher and Lecture. "getting rid of the bondage of shame to self", listed by the New York Times as one of the best-selling books, has helped millions of people acknowledge their own shame and discover the root cause of it, thereby releasing themselves from shame. Get rid of the shadow of failure. It can be seen that psychological translation must also have practical significance that can not be ignored. To learn more about psychology is not only helpful for people to deepen their own understanding, but also for people to regulate and control their own behavior. This is why I chose to get rid of the self-bondage of shame as the source text. I will select a part of the book and translate it into Chinese in order to understand and study the linguistic characteristics of English psychological texts and summarize the author's views on English and Chinese psychological translation strategies. Before translating, I will first read some Chinese versions of psychology books as a reference. In the process of translation, my translation practice has been carried out smoothly with the help of some online translation tools for the new words and some stylistic phenomena in the original text. The step of proofreading is also very important. The quality of translation can be further improved in the process of school alignment. My tutor, my classmates and friends worked hard to help me with proofreading, including punctuation, vocabulary, spelling, etc., to make my translation more fluent and accurate. Through this translation practice, on the one hand, I can improve my translation skills, but also have more opportunities to understand the theory and strategy of psychological translation. On the other hand, I also hope to introduce more foreign excellent psychological texts and translation strategies, and exchange experiences with friends at home and abroad.
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