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发布时间:2018-11-22 20:22
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of functional linguistics and text linguistics, the research on the comparison and analysis of the text features based on the analysis of the language is increasing. The main-bit propulsion model is one of the most important ways to construct and implement the discourse, and understand that different main-bit propulsion modes can help to clearly explain the information formation and development process of the whole discourse. It can be seen that the master bit and the main-bit propulsion mode have an important role in the analysis of the effective speech. The scholars at home and abroad have made a great deal of research on the different language types from the perspective of the main and the main-position promotion mode, but the research on the genre of the fairy tales is rare, and the relevant research based on the comparative analysis is less. As a special genre in children's literature, fairy tales have important educational significance in the course of children's growth; therefore, it is necessary and practical to study the main-position propulsion model in the fairy-tale discourse. This study is based on the theoretical framework of the main-bit propulsion model, and compares the English and Chinese fairy tales with the aim of exploring the main use of the main-position propulsion model in English and Chinese fairy tales and the similarities and differences in the selection of the main-bit propulsion mode, and tries to analyze the causes of the similarities and differences. and further discloses the formation mechanism and the information advance of the fairy tale. Based on the above research, the main problems in this study are as follows: (1) What main position promotion models are used in English and Chinese fairy tales? (2) What is the commonness and difference between English and Chinese fairy tales in the main-position promotion model? (3) What are the main reasons for their common and different? Based on the main bit structure proposed by Halliday (1985) and the main-position propulsion model proposed by Danes (1974) and domestic scholars (Xu Sheng, 1982; Zhu Yongsheng, 1995), six main-bit propulsion modes are summarized as the theoretical framework of this study. The six main-bit propulsion modes are: the linear main bit type, the main bit the same type, the bit the same type, the main bit derivative type, the cross type and the bit split type. The research corpus is mainly selected from the and , each selected 15 fairy tales. This study is based on the above-mentioned theoretical framework to compare the main position of the 30 fairy tale texts. The results of the study show that the use frequency of the main-position propulsion model in the first and the English fairy tales is: the same type of the linear main-position type and the same type of the bit-split-type cross-type main-position-derived type; the Chinese fairy tale is: The bit-split type is derived from the same type of the same type linear main bit type and the same type combined type cross-type main bit. Second, there are similarities and differences between English and Chinese fairy tales in the choice of the main-position promotion model. The commonness is that both English and Chinese fairy tales use the linear master bit pattern, the main bit and the same bit pattern, and the cross type, the main bit derivation type and the bit split type use are less; the reason is mainly from the fairy tale form and the reader. Third, the difference is mainly reflected in the difference in the frequency of the use of each of the main-bit propulsion modes in English and Chinese fairy tales, which are mainly caused by the two linguistic features of English and Chinese and the difference of the Western culture and the thinking mode. This study is an exploration and practice of the main-position promotion model in the English-Chinese fairy-tale language, which not only expands the research field of the main-position promotion mode, but also provides reference for the teaching, translation and compilation of the fairy-tale. The study includes the following five sections. The first chapter is a brief introduction to the research background, research purpose, research significance and the research framework of the study. The second chapter is a review of the literature, which is mainly a review of the relevant research of the main and main-position propulsion modes at home and abroad, as well as the research on the text of the fairy tale based on the main-bit propulsion model. The third chapter is the research design, mainly including the research question, the data collection, the research method and the research step. The fourth chapter is the core part of this study, first analyzes the data result of the English and Chinese fairy tale text in the use of the main-position promotion mode, and then finds out the similarities and differences between the English and Chinese fairy tales in the main-position promotion mode, and finally discusses the main reasons for the difference and the similarities and differences. The fifth chapter is the conclusion, first is to sum up the important findings of this study, then detail the far-reaching influence and the deficiency of this study, and finally put forward some suggestions for future research.


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