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发布时间:2018-11-23 11:23
[Abstract]:With the development of economic globalization, people begin to pay more and more attention to English education. The function of word frequency theory in vocabulary teaching is gradually reflected and widely accepted and adopted by educators and scholars in the field of language teaching. This theory has also been fully embodied and applied in the compilation process of many new versions of textbooks. As an important part of English learning, vocabulary learning plays a decisive role in language learning. The reasonableness of vocabulary setting also affects the effect of teaching material in the classroom to a great extent. Oxford English textbook is a widely accepted teaching material covering primary and secondary schools. From the perspective of word frequency theory and with the help of students' cognitive development, the author aims to study the vocabulary setting of Oxford Junior High School textbook (Shanghai area version). This paper analyzes the rationality of vocabulary setting and whether it accords with the trend of cognitive development in the process of language learning. The main research process is to find out the usage frequency of the vocabulary in the textbook by using the corpus, and combine the cognitive development theory to compare the vocabulary of the textbook according to the unit and unit, the book and the book. This paper further analyzes whether the lexical setting in the textbooks is helpful to the development of students' language competence, and draws a conclusion. After getting the results, the author further discusses and analyzes the research results from several different levels, and puts forward some suggestions and opinions on the basis of the evaluation. At the same time, some problems in lexical setting are solved under the background of theory. In addition, the author also lists some additional vocabularies to meet the needs of students' cognitive development. At the end of the paper, the author summarizes some deficiencies and the enlightenment of the research, and puts forward the prospect for the future. It is hoped that in the future study of textbook analysis, we can further expand the perspective to high school textbooks, form a complete research system, and make the research more reference and reference.


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