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发布时间:2018-11-25 13:33
[Abstract]:The documents displayed in the museum are historical and cultural products, which condense human wisdom and spirit, and play a role in promoting cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. Foreign friends can deepen their understanding of Chinese tea culture through English introduction and translation in museums, so English translation is of great significance. From the perspective of the English translation of the Chinese Tea Museum, this paper discusses the translation of the English text in the Chinese Tea Museum in detail, combining the theoretical and practical approaches. At the same time, this paper probes into the phenomenon of domestication and alienation in English translation in the Tea Museum, and probes into the relationship between the two according to the cultural development of China. Since there are differences between our grammar and foreign countries, there are many literal translation situations in translation. To some extent, such problems affect foreign understanding of Chinese tea culture. Through the comparison of vocabulary and grammar, this paper tries to avoid the problems arising from literal translation, so that the tea culture with more original flavor of China can be displayed.
【作者单位】: 郑州大学西亚斯国际学院外语学院;


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