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发布时间:2018-11-25 14:34
【摘要】:本文是一篇英汉翻译实践报告,翻译材料来源于《探秘狗的世界》(Inside of A Dog),作者是心理认知学博士亚历山德拉·霍洛维茨。所选内容为文本的第十章,内容主要是以狗作为主体进行研究,从各个不同的方面来研究狗对人类的观察,比如:人的情绪、人的眼神和人的肢体语言等都可能引起狗的反应。本章节还介绍了狗的认知能力,描绘了狗的真实性情。文本所涉及的专业领域属于自然科学类,语言难度适中。源文本属于信息型文本,目标读者是英语国家的狗类爱好者。在翻译过程中,译者时刻牢记语言应该简单质朴,对原作中的信息进行准确的传达。在翻译过程中也出现了一些难点,例如源文本中有一些生物类的专业词汇,这些词对于不研究生物的读者来说可能会产生疑惑;源文本中也有一些描写动物的拟人手法,如何在尊重原文意思的情况下将其进行生动的翻译也成为一个难点;同时源文本中出现许多长句,译者需要把英语的句法结构调整成汉语的句法结构来使原文的意思能够更准确清晰地表达出来。针对这些难点译者采用了不同的翻译方法去解决,例如:生物类专业词汇加注,转换词性,语句合并,句式重构等。最后译者对这次翻译实践报告进行了总结,提出了个人的经验与教训,当然由于译者自身水平有限,对源文本的理解还不够透彻,翻译能力也有待提高。日后还要继续学习,努力提高自身翻译水平。
[Abstract]:This paper is a practical report on English-Chinese translation. The translation material is from the World of the Secret Dogs. The author is Alexandra Horowitz, Ph.D. in Psychological Cognition. The selected content is the tenth chapter of the text, which mainly studies the dog as the main body, and studies the dog's observation of human beings from different aspects, such as the human emotion, the human eyes and the human body language and so on, all of which may cause the dog's reaction. This chapter also introduces the dog's cognitive ability, describes the dog's truthfulness. The text involves a professional field of natural science, language difficulty is moderate. The source text belongs to informational text and the target readers are dog lovers in English-speaking countries. In the process of translation, the translator should always bear in mind that the language should be simple and accurate. In the process of translation, there are some difficulties, such as the source text has some specialized vocabulary of biological category, which may be confusing to the readers who do not study biology; The source text also has some description animal personification technique, how to carry on the vivid translation under the condition of respecting the original meaning also becomes a difficulty; At the same time, there are many long sentences in the source text, so the translator needs to adjust the syntactic structure of English into the Chinese syntactic structure so that the meaning of the original text can be expressed more accurately and clearly. Different translation methods are used to solve these difficulties, such as tagging, conversion of parts of speech, sentence merging, sentence reconstructing and so on. Finally, the translator summarizes the translation practice report and puts forward personal experience and lessons. Of course, due to the limited level of the translator, his understanding of the source text is not thorough enough, and his translation ability needs to be improved. In the future, we will continue to study and strive to improve our translation skills.


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