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发布时间:2018-11-27 08:04
[Abstract]:Language is a special kind of information system in human society. Whether it comes into being, evolves or develops, or carries on the information transmission, accepts or processes, always takes the certain condition as the premise, and is influenced and restricted by it. This precondition is context. Since the concept of context was first put forward by the Polish anthropologist Marino, the study of context in the field of linguistics has undergone a change from static to dynamic, from pure research to cross-disciplinary context. Since the 1990s, context has entered the field of translation, and translation researchers have begun to study translation through context. Although the current research on the translation of Chinese idioms into English has broadened the research ideas and fields and made some achievements in the theoretical orientation and practical application, many people have neglected to include other perspectives in the study. There is a lack of specific research on the translator's behavior in idiom translation. Based on this, this thesis chooses the translator as the main body of translation as the breakthrough point to study the translation of Chinese idioms into English. Specifically, this paper attempts to apply the communicative contextual model theory in adaptation theory to study the factors that affect communicative activities. It can be concluded that the perspective of the translator's context is the process of understanding the relevant contextual factors in the efforts of the translator to communicate the communication channels between the original author and the target reader. In order to adapt to the study of idiom translation, this paper finally establishes the translator's contextual perspective model. We can see that context runs through the process of idiom translation, and both the source language understanding and the target language expression can not be separated from context. The process of translation is a dynamic process in which the translation subject constantly absorbs the relevant factors of the discourse world according to the contextual factors of the external world and from the psychological world. Finally, based on this model, this paper analyzes the contextual factors affecting the translation of Chinese idioms.


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