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发布时间:2018-11-27 15:03
【摘要】:英语WH-问答对话的认知运作机理体现为疑问焦点信息在对话场景中的语义定位过程。本文基于认知语言学视角下的构式本位观和话语对话性特征,把该类对话视作一个构式单位,并构建基于事件域的图式—例示模型(Event-based Schema-Instance Model,简称ESI模型),同时本文从当代美国英语语料库(COCA)中收集到5,051个WH-问答对话作为封闭语料,以期用具体数据阐释该类对话构式的焦点语义由图式到例示的定位类型。
[Abstract]:The cognitive mechanism of English WH- question-and-answer dialogue is embodied in the process of semantic localization of questioning focus information in dialogue scenes. Based on the Construction-Oriented View and the discourse Dialogical Features of Cognitive Linguistics, this paper regards this kind of dialogism as a constructive unit, and constructs a schema-case model (Event-based Schema-Instance Model,) based on event domain. At the same time, this paper collects 5051 WH- question-and-answer dialogues from the contemporary American English Corpus (COCA) as closed corpus, in order to explain the location types of the focus semantics of the dialogs from schemata to examples with concrete data.
【作者单位】: 上海交通大学外国语学院;


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