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发布时间:2018-12-06 12:12
【摘要】:写作能力是衡量英语水平的重要标准。然而,多数英语学习者在写作过程中遇到各种困难。大量研究表明:认知因素、传统的教学方法以及情感因素对英语写作有着重大的影响。自20世纪80年代以来,焦虑作为一项重要的情感因素,引起了不少英语写作教学研究者的关注。研究者普遍认为:写作焦虑是众多英语写作学习者的一大障碍。目前,大多数研究通过运用写长法、背诵输入法等来缓解学习者的焦虑,并取得了一定的成效。但是,这些英语写作教学方法与高职写作学习者的自身特点不相适应,达不到理想的效果。首先,较之普通院校本科生的英语写作水平,高职学生的英语写作水平较低;因此,大多数高职生较之本科学生会更加厌烦甚至厌恶英语写作。其次,与普通院校的本科生相比,高职学习者由于先前在英语写作方面的失败经验,更倾向于对自己持怀疑的态度。另外,与普通院校的本科生相比,多数高职学生当回答如何写好一篇英语作文时,由于老师的权威以及自我怀疑更不愿与同伴分享自己的观点。以学习者为中心的小组合作学习起源于20世纪70年代的美国,是一种富有实效性和创意性的教学理论和策略体系。以注重小组成员的相互合作,使其自身及其小组成员的成就最大化;注重小组成员的积极互赖;注重小组成员间面对面的积极交流为主要特点的小组合作学习对英语写作有积极影响。首先,小组合作学习强调小组成员相互合作,使自身及小组成员的成就最大化,有利于学生英语写作成绩的提高,并不再对英语写作持厌烦等消极态度。其次,小组合作学习强调小组成员间的积极互赖,基于小组成员的共同成就对小组成员进行共同奖励,有利于提升学生的自信心。另外,小组合作学习强调通过小组成员间的积极交流、互相鼓励、互相帮助进行英语写作而不是在老师的权威下进行英语写作,有利于学生积极地分享自己的观点。鉴于高职学生英语写作现状及其自身特点,作者旨在研究小组合作学习高职学生英语写作焦虑的影响。作者致力于研究以下三个问题:(1)高职非英语专业学生英语写作焦虑的现状。(2)小组合作学习能否有效的缓解高职非英语学生的英语写作焦虑?(3)教学实验后,高职非英语专业学生对小组合作学习持何种态度?作者于2016年上半年在山东电子职业技术学院展开了为期16周的教学实验研究。80名计算机专业大一两个平行班的学生为本实验的研究对象。作者随机挑选一个班为实验班,另一个则为控制班。实验班采用小组合作学习教学方法,控制班则采用传统的教学方法。本实验的研究工具包括Cheng的《二语写作焦虑量表》、访谈以及CET-4写作部分试卷两份。作者用SPSS V22.0分析收集的实验前后的数据。实验结果表明:(1)几乎量表中的每一项目的平均值都高于表示高频动作的值3.5,因此,高职非英语专业学生目前的英语写作焦虑较高。(2)研究结束后,实验班学生的英语写作焦虑得到了有效的缓解,而控制班的变化却很小。由此可见,小组合作学习能够有效的缓解高职非英语专业学生的英语写作焦虑。(3)由访谈得出的数据表明小组合作学习能够缓解高职学生的英语写作焦虑并为高职学生的英语写作带来诸多益处。因此,高职非英语专业学生普遍对小组合作学习持积极的态度。由此可见,小组合作学习确实是缓解高职非英语专业学生写作焦虑的一种可行的教学方法。此外,基于本研究结果,作者归纳教学建议,指出本研究的局限性,并对未来相关研究提供了参考建议。
[Abstract]:Writing ability is an important standard for measuring English. However, most English learners experience difficulties in writing. A large number of studies have shown that cognitive factors, traditional teaching methods and affective factors have a great impact on English writing. Since the 1980s, anxiety, as an important emotional factor, has attracted much attention from the English writing and teaching researchers. The researchers generally believe that writing anxiety is a major obstacle to many English-writing learners. At present, most studies alleviate the anxiety of the learners by using the writing-length method, the reciting input method, and the like, and have achieved some results. However, the teaching methods of English writing are not compatible with the self-characteristics of the writing learners in higher vocational schools, which can't achieve the ideal effect. First, the English writing level of the higher vocational students is lower than that of the ordinary college students; therefore, most of the students are more tired and even disgusted with English writing than the undergraduate students. Second, as compared with those of ordinary colleges, higher vocational students tend to be skeptical of themselves as a result of their previous failure in writing in English. In addition, most of the higher vocational students are not willing to share their views with their peers because of their authority and self-doubt, as compared to those of ordinary colleges. The learner-centered group cooperative learning originated in the 1970s of the United States, is an effective and creative teaching theory and strategy system. To focus on the mutual cooperation of the members of the Group, to maximize the achievements of its own and its members; to focus on the positive interaction of the members of the Group; to focus on the positive impact of the Group's cooperative learning on English writing, which is the main feature of the face-to-face positive exchange among the panellists. First of all, the group's cooperative learning emphasizes that the team members cooperate with each other and maximize the achievements of their own and group members, which is conducive to the improvement of the English writing performance of the students, and is no longer the negative attitude of the English writing. Secondly, the group's cooperative learning emphasizes the positive interaction among the members of the group, and the group members are jointly rewarded on the basis of the common achievements of the group members, which is beneficial to the improvement of the self-confidence of the students. in addition, that group's cooperative study emphasize the positive exchange among the group members, encourage each other, help each other in English writing rather than write in English under the authority of the teacher, so that the students can share their views actively. In view of the current situation of English writing in higher vocational students and its own characteristics, the author aims to study the effect of group cooperation on the anxiety of English writing in higher vocational students. The author is committed to the following three questions: (1) the current situation of English writing anxiety in non-English majors in higher vocational education. (2) Whether the group cooperative learning can effectively relieve the English writing anxiety of non-English students in higher vocational education? (3) What is the attitude of non-English majors in the higher vocational education to the group's cooperative learning after the teaching experiment? In the first half of 2016, the author conducted a 16-week teaching experiment in Shandong Electronic Vocational and Technical College. The author randomly selects one class as the experimental class and the other is the control class. The experimental class adopts the group cooperation to study the teaching method, and the control class adopts the traditional teaching method. The research tools of this experiment include Cheng's , interview and CET-4 writing part of the paper. The data collected before and after the experiment was analyzed by SPSS V2.0. The experimental results show that (1) The average value of each item in the little scale is higher than that of the high-frequency action. Therefore, the English writing anxiety of non-English major students in higher vocational colleges is higher. (2) After the end of the study, the English writing anxiety of the students in the experimental class was effectively relieved, while the change of the control class was very small. Therefore, the group cooperative learning can effectively relieve the English writing anxiety of non-English major students in higher vocational education. (3) The data from the interview show that the group cooperative learning can relieve the English writing anxiety of the higher vocational students and bring many benefits to the English writing of the higher vocational students. Therefore, non-English majors in higher vocational colleges have a positive attitude towards group cooperation. It can be seen that the cooperative learning of the group is a feasible teaching method to relieve the writing anxiety of non-English majors in higher vocational education. In addition, based on the results of this study, the author sums up the teaching proposal, points out the limitation of this study, and provides reference for future research.


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