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发布时间:2018-12-06 12:39
【摘要】:随着全球化的发展,法庭口译起着日益重要的作用,因为它影响当事人的实体权利和程序正义。因此,人们应关注法庭口译员,因为他们参与庭审过程,并扮演着重要且非同寻常的角色。但是,法庭口译质量的相关研究还未引起人们的广泛关注。本文选择《SZLDY等人诉移民与公民部部长(2008)》判决书作为翻译材料,希望更多人能够认识到法庭口译员在法庭口译中角色的重要性,从而引起大家对法庭口译质量问题的关注。本次翻译实践报告分为两部分:第一部分借助计算机辅助工具进行翻译;第二部分是完成翻译报告。笔者首先借助Reiss(1977)提出的文本类型理论探讨文本类型的分类和功能。然后考虑到法律文本的规范性特点,讨论了在Susan Sarcevic(1997)的法律对等原则和杜金榜(2005)的法律交流三原则指导下进行的翻译过程。通过翻译,笔者发现:法庭口译质量相关的判决书由两部分组成。一部分是判决书中的裁定,判决理由,庭审判决和庭审,具有法律语言特征。而另一部分是背景信息和上诉人回复,具有普通语言特征。上诉人法庭陈述部分的语言更像日常对话,这些语言并不像法律语言那样严肃,正式,因此本文还需要采用Sandra Hale(1996)提出的语用对等来指导翻译以确保法庭交流过程中信息,意图和效果的准确传达。因此,全文采用法律对等和语用对等的翻译策略相结合来解决翻译中的问题。本报告讨论了法律文本的语言和文体特征,相关翻译理论和翻译技巧。也集中处理了在翻译理论指导下解决遇到的语言问题。在我国,法庭口译的研究处于初级阶段,因口译质量引起的上诉尚未现实化。对法庭口译的研究可以吸引人们,尤其是法律人士对法庭口译的关注。因此,对口译质量的判决书的翻译能提供一定的参考,同时也促进中外法律文化交流。
[Abstract]:With the development of globalization, court interpretation plays an increasingly important role, because it affects the parties' substantive rights and procedural justice. Therefore, people should pay attention to court interpreters because they participate in court proceedings and play an important and unusual role. However, researches on the quality of court interpretation have not attracted much attention. This paper chooses the judgment of < SZLDY et al. v. Minister of Immigration and Citizenship (2008) > as translation material, hoping that more people will realize the importance of court interpreters in court interpretation, and thus arouse people's concern about the quality of court interpretation. The translation practice report is divided into two parts: the first part is the translation with the help of computer aided tools, the second part is to complete the translation report. Firstly, the author discusses the classification and function of text types with the help of the text type theory proposed by Reiss (1977). Then, considering the normative characteristics of legal texts, this paper discusses the translation process under the guidance of the principle of legal equivalence in Susan Sarcevic (1997 and the three principles of legal exchange in Durkin Bang (2005). Through translation, the author finds that the judgment related to the quality of court interpretation consists of two parts. Part is the judgment in the judgment, the reason of the judgment, the trial judgment and the trial, has the legal language characteristic. The other part is the background information and appellant response, with common language features. The language of appellant's court statement is more like daily conversation, these languages are not as serious and formal as legal language. Therefore, this paper also needs to use the pragmatic equivalence proposed by Sandra Hale (1996 to guide translation to ensure that information is exchanged during the course of court communication. Accurate communication of intent and effect. Therefore, the translation strategy of legal equivalence and pragmatic equivalence is adopted to solve the problems in translation. This report discusses the linguistic and stylistic features of legal texts, relevant translation theories and translation techniques. It also focuses on solving language problems under the guidance of translation theory. In China, the study of court interpretation is still in its infancy, and the appeal caused by interpretation quality has not yet been realized. The research on court interpretation can attract the attention of people, especially the legal people. Therefore, the translation of judgments with interpretation quality can provide some reference and promote the exchange of legal culture between China and foreign countries.


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