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发布时间:2018-12-06 16:37
[Abstract]:The development of English teachers' teaching ability is an important part of teachers' professional development in western minority areas, and is also the focus of current English education problems. Since the implementation of the new curriculum reform in Gansu Province in 2010, new educational ideas and new curriculum concepts have deeply affected the development of English teachers' teaching ability in minority areas. So, as an important part of the northwest ethnic minorities in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, what is the current situation of the development of English teachers in middle schools, and what factors have been deeply affected are all urgent needs to be understood and solved. Therefore, this study has important practical significance. Based on the relevant literature at home and abroad, this study takes English teachers from four middle schools in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture as the research objects, and adopts the method of questionnaire investigation and interview research. In order to find out the present situation of English teachers' teaching ability in middle schools in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, this paper analyzes the basic situation of local English teachers and analyzes the results of the survey by SPSS19.0 software. The main conclusions are as follows: Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture middle school English teachers' teaching ability in general level is good, in gender, different education, different English certificate, education and other factors are not significant difference; However, the teaching ability of English teachers with higher teaching age is generally higher than that of teachers without the same background. And through interviews, teachers have shown great interest in post-service training. Based on the above research results, this study puts forward several strategies to promote the development of English teachers' teaching ability in middle schools in the western minority areas: first, to increase the investment in education in the western minority areas. To reform and improve the support system for the development of English teachers' teaching ability. Second, strengthen pre-service education and post-service training to effectively promote the development of English teachers' teaching ability in western minority areas; third, stimulate the enthusiasm of English teachers in western minority areas and improve teachers' job satisfaction.


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