[Abstract]:The translation of the practical material, Investment in the 21 Century, (Investment in the Twenty-First Century, is selected from the History of Investment, (Investment: A History). By introducing the development of investment from ancient to present, the book probes into the development process of investment democratization. The conclusion is about the investment in the 21 century, with emphasis on the development of investment democratization in the 21 century, and involves some investment concepts and theories, which makes readers have a deeper understanding and understanding of the development process of investment democratization. Translation practice report is divided into four parts: translation task description, translation process review, case analysis and practice summary. The first part briefly introduces the translation task, the source of the material, the author, the introduction of the work and the significance of the topic. Understanding the development course of investment democratization is of great significance to accelerate the process of China's economic integration with the world, to realize the effective interaction of domestic and foreign investment markets, and to ensure the mutual exchange of information between markets. The second part describes the process of translation, including the preparation before translation, the difficulties solved in the revision of the original translation and the reading, finishing and finalizing. Before translation, the translator is familiar with the original text and reads a lot of texts related to investment history. In translation, the translator adopts the method of combining literal translation and free translation to grasp the meaning of the original text accurately. After the translation is completed, the translator is assisted by his tutor and classmates. To read and polish the translation several times, and finalize the final version; The third part is a case study of translation cases from lexical, syntactic, textual and stylistic aspects. In particular, the author analyzes and studies the translation of proper terms and technical terms related to investment. The fourth part is a summary of the translator's experience in the translation practice. Through the writing of this translation practice report, the translator not only has a deeper understanding and experience of the development of democratization of investment, but also has a new understanding and understanding of the translation work. This translation practice has laid a solid foundation for the translator's future professional development.
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