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发布时间:2018-12-11 03:32
【摘要】:本文是一篇翻译项目报告。翻译项目原文为《全球经济展望:分化与风险》(Global Economic Prospects:Divergences and Risks)中的引言和第一章。第一章基于近年来全球经济现状的各种数据,在宏观层面,对世界经济现况进行了探讨,包括全球各大主要经济体的经济概况及走向,阐述了全球经济形势的分化,同时也对全球经济前景有所展望。原文属于专业性强的经济说明性文章。因此,译者采用目的论作为翻译理论基础。目的论强调译入语的可读性,与本翻译项目的目的十分契合。在翻译中,为实现目的导向性和专业性,译者尽其所能,使译文完全传达原文信息,并力求符合译入语的专业表达习惯。这对译者的专业背景知识和对双语转换功力有很高要求,同时也要求译者将翻译理论和翻译技巧紧密联系起来。因此,翻译过程中,作者在目的论的指导下,采用了转换、归化、倒装和拆分等翻译技巧作为辅助,努力为非母语读者消除读解障碍。在整个翻译过程中,译者深刻体会到翻译理论的指导作用,也认识到自身翻译的不足,包括专业知识的局限、语言掌控能力欠佳等。
[Abstract]:This article is a translation project report. "Global Economic Outlook: differentiation and risk." introduction and Chapter 1 in (Global Economic Prospects:Divergences and Risks). The first chapter, based on various data on the current state of the global economy in recent years, discusses the current state of the world economy at the macro level, including the economic situation and trends of the major economies of the world, and expounds the division of the global economic situation. At the same time, there are prospects for the global economy. The original text belongs to the highly professional economic illustrative article. Therefore, the translator adopts Skopos theory as the basis of translation theory. Skopos theory emphasizes the readability of the target language, which coincides with this translation project. In order to achieve Skop-orientation and professionalism, the translator tries his best to convey the original text information completely and to conform to the professional expression habit of the target language. This requires the translator's professional background knowledge and bilingual translation skills to be closely related to translation theory and skills. Therefore, under the guidance of Skopos theory, the author adopts translation techniques such as conversion, domestication, inversion and splitting as the assistance to remove the reading barriers for non-native readers. In the whole process of translation, the translator has a profound understanding of the guiding role of translation theory, as well as the shortcomings of his own translation, including the limitations of his professional knowledge and his poor language control.


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