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发布时间:2018-12-11 06:49
[Abstract]:Nowadays, the communication between China and foreign countries is not only limited to business and politics, but also extends to culture, art, education and so on. All these communication and cooperation can not be separated from the role of interpreters in the bridge. From August 29, 2016 to September 7, 2016, the speaker served as the choreographer for "the Last Winter" in Nanjing TPM Violet Space, mainly as a British director. Actors and Chinese actors provide interpretation services. The particularity of this interpretation project lies in the fact that there is no script when the drama is arranged, most of the lines spoken by the actors are improvised, and most of them are colloquial expressions, which gives the speaker's interpretation. In particular, Chinese-English translation has brought some unprecedented challenges. Because in Chinese impromptu colloquial language, often syntactic mix, grammar confusion, information redundancy, language rich and flexible, also rough. In the process of C-E translation, the main problems encountered by the speaker are culture-loaded words, colloquial words, and chaotic redundant sentence patterns. After the completion of the project, the speaker analyzed his own interpretation recording and summed up the problems. In order to solve these problems, the speaker has read a lot of literature on the interpretation theory and used it as the theoretical basis to put forward the corresponding translation strategies for the oral impromptu C-E translation. Translation strategies include: interpretation, simplified ellipsis, interpretation and sentence reconstruction. Through summarizing the problems and countermeasures, the project report provides an example and reference for the study of impromptu colloquial expression.


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