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发布时间:2018-12-11 13:57
[Abstract]:Energy is the material basis of human survival and economic development. China's energy structure is dominated by coal, which leads to serious environmental problems and runs counter to the concept of sustainable development. To solve this problem, China is committed to improving energy efficiency and developing renewable energy. Wind power generation in the United States has gone through a long process of development, and its wind power technology is worth learning from China. Under the guidance of functional equivalence theory and with the help of parallel texts, this paper is a practical report on English-Chinese translation. The original material is selected from the "Wind Energy Vision: a New era of Wind Power Generation in the United States" published by the US Department of Energy on March 12, 2015. The report quantifies the medium- and long-term economic, environmental and social benefits of strong growth in the wind industry in the United States and provides stakeholders with a road map for action to achieve development goals. Excerpts from sections 2.5 and 2.6.1 of the report mainly introduce the next generation of wind power technologies (including blades, rotors, control systems, transmission systems, towers, offshore bases, etc.), Wind power generation technology in China has a good learning reference. Therefore, this translation practice aims to provide valuable reference materials for stakeholders in wind power development in China. In translation practice, under the guidance of functional equivalence theory, translators make full use of parallel texts as translation aids to acquire professional knowledge, learn technical terms, learn from expression methods and imitate writing styles. The target text can fully convey the original information, conform to the target language expression standard, and make the target readers and the original readers make a similar reaction, so that the functional equivalence can be realized. This report is divided into four parts: the first part briefly introduces the translation background and translation significance, the second part introduces the translation process in detail, including pre-translation preparation, translation theory selection, translation progress plan, etc. The third part is case analysis, which discusses the guidance of parallel texts to translation practice from four aspects: acquiring professional knowledge, learning technical terms, drawing on expression methods and imitating writing styles. The fourth part is the summary part, summarizes the translation practice experience and the related enlightenment, and has proposed the outstanding question which the translation practice has not solved.


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