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发布时间:2018-12-12 20:53
【摘要】:传统的大学英语听说课主要以听的模式为主,课程内容难度大,学生缺少学习兴趣和动力。研究指出,大量有效的课堂互动是学生掌握外语的必要条件之一。然而在中国,“说”作为有一种重要的语言输出形式,效果差强人意,很多大学英语教师都遭遇过令人尴尬的课堂沉默现象。Amy B.M.Tsui(1996),HuFell-Eisenkraft(2003)指出:学生的课堂沉默主要与语言能力不足导致的焦虑有关。多模态教学主张以多媒体为重要教学手段,引导学生充分调动多种模态进行信息输入,并组织多种课堂活动进行信息输出,从而有效实现课堂互动。因此,本研究将多模态教学应用于大学英语听说课中,意在解决以下三个问题:1)外语口语焦虑是否能有效解释学生课堂沉默现象?具体如何解释?2)通过多模态教学,学生外语口语焦虑是否得到有效改善?如果有,具体表现在哪些方面?3)多模态教学是否有助于打破学生课堂沉默现象?如果有,具体表现在哪些方面?本研究以太原工业学院127名非英语专业大一学生为研究对象,采用问卷、访谈、教学反思三种研究工具进行行动研究。笔者将收集的数据通过SPSS17.0及Excel等工具进行分析。研究结果如下:1)通过建立多元线性回归方程发现,外语口语焦虑能很好地解释课堂沉默现象;2)多模态教学总体上可以有效缓解学生口语焦虑:外语口语焦虑六个因子中,只有“回避行为倾向”未得到有效改善;3)多模态教学在一定程度上有助于打破课堂沉默现象,如“与老师进行英语交谈”、“组内英语交谈”及“课堂英语演讲”等方面得到了显著提高;但“与同学用英语交谈”、“个人努力”两方面未得到有效改善。同时,本文也指出本研究的局限性以及对英语课堂教学的启示。在多模态听说课上,使用任务教学法,课前布置学生进行自主背景语言知识积累;因时制宜地进行课堂教学设计,合理使用模态或模态组合;充分使用多媒体的基础上,防止课堂娱乐化现象,以免干扰学生注意力;在确保学生课堂主体地位的前提下,不可忽略教师的主导作用;多给学生积极正面反馈。
[Abstract]:The traditional college English listening and speaking course is mainly based on listening mode, which is difficult for students to learn and lack of interest and motivation. It is pointed out that effective classroom interaction is one of the necessary conditions for students to master a foreign language. In China, however, as an important form of language output, the effect of "speaking" is not satisfactory. Many college English teachers have experienced embarrassing classroom silence phenomenon. Amy B.M.Tsui (1996), HuFell-Eisenkraft (2003) pointed out that students' classroom silence is mainly related to anxiety caused by lack of language competence. Multi-modal teaching advocates taking multimedia as an important teaching means to guide students to fully mobilize various modes for information input and organize various classroom activities to carry out information output so as to effectively realize classroom interaction. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to solve the following three problems by applying multimodal teaching to college English listening and speaking: 1) can spoken language anxiety effectively explain the phenomenon of classroom silence? How to explain? 2) through multi-modal teaching, can students' oral English anxiety be effectively improved? If so, what are the specific aspects? 3) does multimodal teaching help to break the phenomenon of classroom silence? If so, in what areas? In this study, 127 non-English major freshmen in Taiyuan Institute of Technology were investigated with questionnaire, interview and teaching reflection. I will collect the data through SPSS17.0 and Excel and other tools to analyze. The results are as follows: 1) by establishing multiple linear regression equations, we find that spoken language anxiety can explain the phenomenon of classroom silence; 2) Multi-modal teaching can effectively alleviate students' oral anxiety: of the six factors of foreign language anxiety, only "avoidance behavior tendency" has not been effectively improved; 3) Multi-modal teaching can help to break the phenomenon of classroom silence to some extent, such as "having English conversation with teachers", "in-group English conversation" and "classroom English speech", etc. But "talking with students in English" and "personal efforts" have not been effectively improved. At the same time, the paper also points out the limitations of this study and its implications for English classroom teaching. In the multi-modal listening and speaking class, we use the task-based teaching method, arrange the students to accumulate their own background language knowledge before class, carry out the classroom teaching design according to the circumstances, use the modal or modal combination reasonably; On the basis of making full use of multimedia, we can prevent the phenomenon of classroom entertainment so as to avoid interfering with students' attention; under the premise of ensuring students' main position in class, we should not ignore the leading role of teachers, and give students more positive feedback.


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