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发布时间:2018-12-13 00:14
[Abstract]:In the process of English writing teaching, feedback is an important means to connect teachers and students. Through feedback, the students find the shortcomings of the composition, modify it, and finally improve the English writing level. In this way, through feedback, teachers' writing teaching level is also promoted. Therefore, effective feedback is particularly important. In the past two decades, corrective feedback has been a hot topic, but its effectiveness is still unresolved. In order to solve this problem comprehensively, the variables that affect the effect of corrective feedback need to be carefully considered. The form of corrective feedback and the classification of learners are two variables that affect the effect of corrective feedback. In this study, the researchers focused on these two variables, and selected direct written feedback and indirect written feedback, linear thinking mode and nonlinear thinking mode as the four factors affecting these two variables. If these four factors can influence the learners' learning, the four factors need to be controlled when studying the corrective feedback effect, and if not, there is no need to control them. Only in this way can we get a comprehensive and effective answer. The main problems of this thesis are as follows: first, in English writing, will written corrective feedback have different effects on the linguistic accuracy of students with different thinking styles (linear thinking style or nonlinear thinking style)? Second, what type of written corrective feedback is more effective for what types of thinking styles? Third, can written corrective feedback improve the accuracy of learners' English writing? In view of this, I make a quasi-experimental study, divided into experimental class and control class. The subjects of the experimental class were divided into four groups: linear thinking style and direct feedback group, linear thinking style and indirect feedback group, nonlinear thinking style and direct feedback group, and nonlinear thinking style and indirect feedback group. The experiment consisted of two tests-pre-test and post-test, and five writing exercises. In the process of writing exercises, each of the subjects submitted their compositions, and the researchers provided different feedback according to the test group, while for the control class, they did not provide feedback on language accuracy. The two tests were used only to record students' learning, expressed in scores, and not to provide corrective feedback. Finally, by comparing the results before and after the test, the following results are obtained: specifically, written corrective feedback is more effective for learners with linear thinking style; However, there is no significant difference in the effect of the form of feedback (direct and indirect written corrective feedback) on learners' language accuracy. In general, corrective feedback helps to improve learners' language accuracy in English writing. The main results of this paper confirm that the mode of thinking is the influence factor of corrective feedback, but direct and indirect written corrective feedback are not the influencing factors. Therefore, in the future research, we must pay attention to the former. The latter can be ignored. This is the theoretical significance of this paper. The practical significance of this paper is that it can help English composition teachers to find appropriate feedback methods for different students so as to improve the effect of teaching and learning.


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