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发布时间:2018-12-13 05:39
[Abstract]:The third space theory in foreign language education closely links language and culture and requires equal attention to mother tongue and culture and target language and culture. The third space is also referred to as "cross-cultural intermediate zone", "mixed culture", "intercultural nature" or "intercultural communicative competence", which means that learners enrich their own language and cultural knowledge while learning foreign languages and cultures. And through language and cross-cultural negotiation, explore a cross-cultural third space, so that according to different linguistic and cultural background, accurate and appropriate communication. According to this cross-cultural theory, the role of college English teachers should have new connotations. Therefore, this paper mainly discusses the new roles of college English teachers in foreign language teaching based on the third space theory and their role realization. With the help of questionnaires and interviews, this paper mainly explores: (1) whether there are differences between college students' and college English teachers' expected and actual roles of college English teachers; (2) the present situation of college students' and college English teachers' cross-cultural consciousness and intercultural competence; (3) the new role of college English teachers and their role realization based on the third space theory. The statistical software used in this study is spss22.0. There are 200 students and 33 college English teachers in Chengdu University of Technology. The findings are as follows: (1) there are significant differences between college English teachers' expected and actual roles, (2) college students have a strong willingness to learn cross-culture, but they do not have enough understanding of the importance of culture in foreign language learning. The cultivation of college students' cross-cultural ability should be paid more attention to. To some extent, college English teachers do not have a deep understanding of the third space theory. (3) the limited professional training can not meet the needs of college English teachers' role realization. The role of college English teacher is dynamic and developing. College English teachers need to adapt to the new role given by the society and the times. Based on the research findings and theoretical guidance, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the new role of college English teachers from the perspective of the third space theory: (1) the inheritor of the traditional role, (2) the communicator of native language culture and target language culture; (3) the third space explorer; (4) the theory and strategy researcher; (5) the era role practitioner. At the same time, this paper puts forward some suggestions to realize the new role: adapting to change; strengthening consciousness; improving ability; professional training. Although there are some limitations in this study, it provides some insights for the role orientation of college English teachers from a new perspective, and puts forward some suggestions and reflections for the realization of the new role of college English teachers. Teachers and learners are expected to have good language skills and cross-cultural communicative competence. At present, the third space theory and related empirical research is a relatively new field in China. Therefore, it is hoped that this paper can provide a new perspective for the study of the role of college English teachers. It provides a useful reference for college English teaching and cross-cultural education.


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