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发布时间:2018-12-14 15:07
【摘要】:本文是一篇英译汉翻译实践报告,基于对温斯顿·格鲁姆(Winston Groom)所著的《王牌飞行员》(The Aviators—Eddie Rickenbacker,Jimmy Doolittle,Charles Lindbergh,and the Epic Age of Flight)第十四章的翻译。本书主要讲述了三位伟大的飞行员在两次世界大战期间的丰功伟绩和险中求生的英雄事迹。笔者所选部分为本书最后一章“天空之王”(Masters of the Sky)对全书进行总结,概述了三位飞行员的生平和历史功绩以及他们对人类飞行史做出的卓越贡献。他们惊心动魄的人生经历巧妙地交织在一起,使读者了解三人在飞行的史诗时代完成的壮举。他们经历了家庭破碎、婚姻失败,甚至数次面临死亡,但都在苦难和灾祸中顽强生存,通过自己的天赋、毅力和非凡的勇气重新界定了英雄的涵义。面对战争的危险,三人都放弃安逸的生活,临危受命,为人类反法西斯事业做出巨大贡献,成为“最伟大的一代”的精神典范。作为传记式文本,读者群体广泛,传记文本的语言通常看上去也比较浅显易懂。本章节主要采用第三人称展开记叙,兼有描写抒情,自然流畅,文采斐然。同时适当引用传主在书信、日记中的言论观点,也使传记内容具有更为真实感人的力量。但在实际翻译过程中,译者发现多处字句要找到流畅贴切的汉语并非易事功夫。因此,笔者尽量在确保语义准确的前提下翻译的自然流畅。本次翻译任务根据莱斯的文本类型分析理论确定文本类型,继而确定文本语体风格,选择合适的翻译策略。译者立足语篇分析这一理论依据和研究模式,以语篇统辖字句,加强语篇意识,从语篇分析的角度斟酌字句意义,琢磨转换规律,探索再现途径。对于长句、难句、专业术语和文化差异等方面的问题,译者分别采取了不同的翻译策略。通过翻译这篇文本,译者对于人类飞行史有了进一步了解,翻译实践能力得到提高。译者深刻地认识到翻译工作的不易,要想译出高质量的译文,必须训练扎实的基本功,提高驾驭双语的能力,从各方面提高自身翻译素质。
[Abstract]:This paper is an English-Chinese translation report based on the translation of Winston Grom (Winston Groom) 's Ace pilot (The Aviators-Eddie Rickenbacker,Jimmy Doolittle,Charles Lindbergh,and the Epic Age of Flight) Chapter 14). The book focuses on the heroic deeds of the three great pilots during the two world wars. In the last chapter of the book, "King of the Sky", (Masters of the Sky) summarizes the life and history of the three pilots, as well as their outstanding contributions to the history of human flight. Their thrilling life experiences are skillfully intertwined, giving readers an insight into the feats the three accomplished in the epic era of flight. They lived through broken families, failed marriages, and even died several times, but survived through misery and disaster, redefining the meaning of heroism through their talents, perseverance and extraordinary courage. In the face of the danger of war, all three gave up their comfortable lives and were ordered to make great contributions to the cause of anti-fascism and become the spiritual models of the greatest generation. As biographical texts, the audience is wide, and the language of biographical texts is usually relatively easy to understand. This chapter mainly uses the third person to develop narration, has the description lyric, natural fluency, literary brilliance. At the same time, the proper quotation of the author's opinions in letters and diaries also makes the biographies more authentic and touching. However, in the process of translation, it is not easy for translators to find fluent and appropriate Chinese. Therefore, the author tries to ensure the semantic accuracy of the natural smooth translation. This translation task determines the text type according to Rice's text type analysis theory, then determines the stylistic style of the text, and selects the appropriate translation strategy. Based on the theoretical basis and research model of discourse analysis, the translator rules the sentence with the text, strengthens the sense of the text, considers the meaning of the sentence from the perspective of text analysis, ponders the law of transformation and explores the way of reproduction. For long sentences, difficult sentences, technical terms and cultural differences, translators adopt different translation strategies. Through the translation of this text, the translator has a better understanding of the history of human flight, and the translation practice ability has been improved. The translator is deeply aware of the difficulty of translation. In order to achieve a high quality translation, it is necessary to train solid basic skills, improve the ability to master bilingualism and improve his translation quality in all aspects.


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