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发布时间:2018-12-14 15:40
[Abstract]:Xi Jinping's talk on governing the country and Politics "the English translation of the text is a window for the Western world to understand the current situation of China and its internal and foreign policies." It reflects the new development of the translation strategy of the central government document under the new situation. Xi Jinping talks about governing the country and Politics. The translation into English not only insists on making the readers close to the author, but also pays attention to the author getting closer to the reader, and makes flexible use of alienation, manifestation and simplification. Various translation strategies, such as information recombination, are used to actively construct a foreign political discourse system at home and abroad. Based on the analysis of translation cases, this paper studies the translation strategies of the English version of Xi Jinping's talk on governing the country, and probes into the effects of such factors as translation purpose, text type and cultural consciousness on the formulation of translation strategies. The aim is to enlighten the translation of the central documents in the new situation.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学对外汉语学院;


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