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发布时间:2018-12-14 17:30
【摘要】:《中国旅游指南》是由Simon Foster,Jen Lin-Liu,Sharon Owyang,Sherwasse Pham和Beth Reiber共同编辑的一本旅游方面的书。该书是由中外作者合著,作者们通过大量的实例和精美的图片来介绍中国各地包括华北地区、华中地区、西北地区、西南地区、东南地区以及香港、澳门和台湾等等许多城市,书中详细介绍了中国各地的方方面面,包括每一个地区的整体介绍,每一个景点的历史和现在,每一个地方周围的交通状况、住宿和饮食,以及在每个景点旅游时需要注意的地方,详细且真实的记录引起了国外友人对中国的探索兴趣。本次论文的译文附录仅限于该书的第十一章、十二章和十三章的翻译。由于本次翻译材料纯属于信息型文本,文本比较正式,行文较为严谨,材料中出现了大量的长句和复杂句;作者是外籍人员,在表达对中国的意见时感情表达过于强烈,过于直接,所以这就要求译者在翻译时注意一定的翻译技巧,注意中国读者的心情,在译出原文内涵的同时还要注意译文的语言表达。著名翻译家奈达的功能对等理论强调以原文为中心,以意义和风格对等为基础,强调译入语读者对译文的反映与原文读者对原文的反映基本一致。将读者客观反映作为衡量译品好坏的标准,要求译文要准确无误的表达出原文作者的意图,而且译文还要流畅自然,该理论强调的这一点正是本次翻译实践需要注意的地方。所以笔者与导师商量之后,决定以功能对等理论为指导,在导师的帮助下对原文进行了多次的阅读和分析,逐渐完成本书的翻译。在翻译过程中笔者运用了多种翻译技巧,而且在导师的指导下对译文进行多次修改推敲。该翻译报告分为五个部分,其中第一部分介绍翻译任务,包括人物背景介绍及作品介绍;第二部分记录笔者所做的译前准备工作;第三部分介绍报告使用的理论框架和翻译方法;第四部分是该报告的重点,笔者以功能对等理论为指导,从词汇、句子、语篇三个方面详述了译文为达到功能对等而使用的各种翻译方法以及翻译技巧;第五部分是总结部分,整体上总结了笔者翻译工作的优缺点,并提出了笔者在以后的实践中需要注意的问题。通过此次翻译实践,笔者知道译者不仅要英语水平高,汉语表达能力也不能含糊;完成此次翻译任务后,笔者在翻译水平提高的同时,总结出信息类文献的具体翻译方法及技巧,为今后此类翻译积累了经验。
[Abstract]:The China Travel Guide is a book on tourism edited jointly by Simon Foster,Jen Lin-Liu,Sharon Owyang,Sherwasse Pham and Beth Reiber. The book is co-authored by Chinese and foreign authors. The authors introduce various parts of China, including North China, Central China, Northwest China, Southwest China, Southeast China and many other cities such as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, through a large number of examples and exquisite pictures. The book details all aspects of all parts of China, including the overall introduction of each region, the history and present of each scenic spot, and the traffic conditions, accommodation and food around each place. And in every tourist attraction, the detailed and truthful record arouses the interest of foreign friends in exploring China. The appendix of this thesis is limited to the translation of chapters 11, 12 and 13 of the book. As the translation material is purely informational text, the text is more formal, more rigorous, the material appeared a large number of long and complex sentences; The author, who is a foreigner, expresses his feelings too strongly and directly when expressing his views on China. Therefore, this requires the translator to pay attention to certain translation skills and the mood of the Chinese readers. We should pay attention to the language expression of the target text while translating the original meaning. Nida's functional equivalence theory emphasizes that the source text is the center and the meaning and style equivalence is the basis. It is emphasized that the target readers' response to the target text is basically consistent with that of the original text. Taking the objective reflection of the reader as the criterion for judging the quality of the translation requires the translation to express the author's intention accurately and the translation should be smooth and natural. This theory emphasizes that this theory should be paid attention to in this translation practice. Therefore, after consulting with the tutor, the author decided to read and analyze the original text many times with the help of the tutor under the guidance of functional equivalence theory, and gradually complete the translation of the book. In the process of translation, the author has used many translation techniques, and under the guidance of his tutor, he has revised the translation many times. The translation report is divided into five parts: the first part introduces the translation tasks, including the introduction of the background of the characters and the introduction of the works, the second part records the pre-translation preparation done by the author. The third part introduces the theoretical framework and translation methods used in the report. The fourth part is the focus of the report. Under the guidance of functional equivalence, the author elaborates on the translation methods and translation techniques used to achieve functional equivalence in terms of vocabulary, sentence and text. The fifth part is the summary part, which summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the author's translation work as a whole, and points out the problems that the author should pay attention to in the future practice. Through this translation practice, the author knows that the translator should not only have a high level of English, but also the ability of expressing Chinese should not be vague; After completing this translation task, the author, while improving the translation level, sums up the specific translation methods and techniques of the informative literature, which has accumulated experience for such translation in the future.


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1 赵丹丹;;浅论奈达的功能对等理论[J];文学教育(中);2011年03期

2 高强;李曹;;浅谈直译法与意译法在翻译工作中的应用[J];科技信息(科学教研);2008年14期

3 孙良诚;谈谈英汉互译中常用的翻译方法[J];安徽电子信息职业技术学院学报;2005年04期

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1 李静;功能对等理论视角下的商务英语翻译[D];长春理工大学;2010年




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