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发布时间:2018-12-14 17:55
【摘要】:高中英语课程标准强调英语教学要提高学生“自主学习能力和合作学习能力”。英语阅读教学采用“以学生为中心”的合作学习教学方式,以提高学生的英语学习兴趣并促使学生通过相互的交流和合作不断地自我提高。然而目前很多农村地区教师依然采取传统的“填鸭式”单一的英语阅读教学方式,严重扼杀了学生英语语言学习的积极性。寻求农村地区的英语阅读教学改革新的方法,提高农村高中学生的英语阅读水平,是当前亟需解决的问题。因此本研究以建构主义学习理论,最近发展区理论和动机理论为依据,采用定量研究和定性研究相结合的方法,从农村高中英语阅读的实际状况出发,试图将合作学习应用到农村高中英语阅读教学中,旨在回答以下三个问题:1.合作学习对农村高中学生英语阅读的成绩有什么影响?2.合作学习对农村高中学生英语阅读的学习兴趣有什么影响?3.与传统英语阅读教学相比,合作学习的英语阅读教学在农村高中有哪些特点?本研究以农村高中高一年级两个班(71)名学生为研究对象,随机选取一个班作为实验班,另一个作为控制班。前测显示,两个班的英语阅读水平大体相同。实验班采用合作学习的英语阅读教学方法,控制班进行传统教学。为了检测合作学习对学生阅读成绩的影响,在实验后,对学生的阅读水平进行了后测。同时采用问卷调查和访谈的方法来了解学生在合作学习的学习方法指导之下英语学习成绩,兴趣和态度的变化,并运用SPSS 19.0社会统计学软件进行统计和分析。本研究得出以下结论:1.实验班学生的英语阅读成绩较高于控制班,表明英语阅读教学中合作学习教学方式更能提高农村高中学生的学习成绩。2.学生们对合作学习教学方式持有积极的态度,在阅读过程中学习动机强烈,积极合作,学习兴趣得到极大激发。3.与传统英语阅读教学相比,合作学习的英语阅读教学的显著特点是能够以学生为中心,增强学生的自主学习能力,注重提升学生核心素养品质。
[Abstract]:High school English curriculum standard emphasizes that English teaching should improve students' autonomous learning ability and cooperative learning ability. In order to improve students' interest in English learning and promote their self-improvement through mutual communication and cooperation, English reading teaching adopts "student-centered" cooperative learning teaching method. However, at present, many teachers in rural areas still adopt the traditional "spoon-feeding" method of English reading teaching, which seriously stifles the enthusiasm of students in English language learning. It is an urgent problem to seek new ways to reform English reading teaching in rural areas and to improve the English reading level of rural senior high school students. Therefore, based on constructivist learning theory, proximal development area theory and motivation theory, this study combines quantitative and qualitative studies, starting from the actual situation of English reading in rural senior high schools. This paper attempts to apply cooperative learning to the teaching of English reading in rural senior high schools in order to answer the following three questions: 1. What effect does cooperative learning have on the English reading scores of rural senior high school students? 2. How does cooperative learning affect the interest of rural senior high school students in English reading? Compared with traditional English reading teaching, what are the characteristics of cooperative learning English reading teaching in rural high schools? In this study, one class was chosen as the experimental class and the other as the control class. The pre-test shows that the English reading level of the two classes is roughly the same. The experimental class adopts the cooperative English reading teaching method, and the control class carries on the traditional teaching. In order to test the effect of cooperative learning on students' reading achievement, the students' reading level was tested after the experiment. At the same time, questionnaires and interviews were used to find out the changes of students' English learning achievement, interest and attitude under the guidance of cooperative learning methods, and SPSS 19.0 social statistics software was used to carry out statistics and analysis. This study draws the following conclusions: 1. The results of the experimental class were higher than that of the control class, which indicated that the cooperative learning teaching method in English reading teaching could improve the performance of the rural senior high school students. 2. Students have a positive attitude towards cooperative learning teaching, learning motivation in the reading process, active cooperation, learning interest has been greatly stimulated. 3. Compared with traditional English reading teaching, cooperative English reading teaching is characterized by being student-centered, enhancing students' autonomous learning ability and enhancing students' core quality.


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