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发布时间:2018-12-16 19:30
[Abstract]:As a public figure, Hillary Clinton is very active in the political arena, from lawyers, first Lady, New York Senator to Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton speech style has been considered boring, cold sharp, tough and decisive. In contrast to her previous speech, Hillary Clinton's first major campaign rally in Roosevelt Island, New York, on June 13, 2016, officially kicked off a campaign battle for the White House, which was filled with enthusiasm. Humor, very personal color. Although Hillary Clinton did not become the first woman to become president, she became the first woman to be nominated by a major political party in U.S. history, gaining a clear majority of more than 230000 in the general election. This paper uses evaluation theory to analyze Hillary Clinton's campaign speeches from the perspective of positive discourse analysis, and randomly selects 10 Clinton speeches in 2016. The purpose of this paper is to reveal how the author / speaker of a text constructs its social role relationship with the reader / audience by examining the meaning resources in the text, and to find out how the author / speaker expresses his or her attitude towards the world around him. Based on this, this paper will answer two research questions: 1, what evaluation resources are there in Hillary Clinton's campaign speech? 2, how are these evaluation resources distributed in Hillary Clinton's campaign speech? Based on the basic framework of evaluation theory, this paper starts with three systems of attitude, intervention and differential. Firstly, the text is identified and annotated, the evaluation resources in speech are classified and counted, and the distribution of evaluation resources is obtained. Then the analysis reveals the deep meaning of various evaluation resources. The results show that there are abundant evaluation resources in Hillary Clinton's campaign speech, and positive evaluation is the main one, which belongs to attitude resources, intervention resources and differential resources respectively. The three kinds of evaluation resources are unevenly distributed, among which, attitude resources are the majority, the rank difference is the second, and the intervention is the least, but the difference between the difference and intervention is not significant. With emotional and judgment resources in her attitude resources, Hillary Clinton agreed with the public on emotional and moral issues. It can be seen that Hillary Clinton mainly through attitude resources and the audience to build a harmonious interpersonal relationship.


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