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发布时间:2018-12-19 15:56
[Abstract]:Based on Qian Guanlian's "phonological call" learning strategy theory, this study investigated the most basic learning strategies of 248 minority matriculation students in Guangxi, and conducted in-depth interviews with 12 students. It is found that most of the minority prep students in Guangxi pay little attention to the accumulation of phonetic stimuli and the amount of listening and reciting is low and they do not form the habit of reading aloud. Although more attention is paid to reading, the amount of reading is still low, most of the reading range is limited to reading questions, and the ability of language analysis is not high. In addition, the correlation analysis also found that phonetic stimulation and reading were significantly correlated with English achievement. Qian Guanlian's "phonological call" learning strategy theory was considered to be useful in foreign language teaching and learning. Especially, the foreign language teaching and learning of the national preparatory college which has a relatively weak foreign language foundation is of strategic significance. Based on the findings of the study, the author also puts forward some suggestions for improving the foreign language teaching of the minority preparatory courses in Guangxi.
【作者单位】: 广西民族大学;


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