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A Companion to Colonial America节选章节(第三章)的翻译实践报告

发布时间:2018-12-28 16:31
【摘要】:A Companion to Colonial America是加拿大历史学教授丹尼尔·维克尔斯(Daniel Vickers)编著的一部反应近代美洲殖民史的历史传记性作品。全书共分为23个章节,由23篇独立的作品共同构成,每一篇作品的作者都是该领域内的资深历史学家,全书从政治、宗教、移民、性别和生态等方方面面展示了近代美洲的殖民历史,是研究近代美洲历史的重要参考文献。本书目前尚没有已出版的正式中文译本。笔者选择了本书中的第三章“生态”作为翻译实践项目,并基于此完成本翻译项目报告。这一章节的作者为历史学家约翰·布鲁克(John Brooke),全文站在更为广阔的生态史视角上,分析了美洲殖民史对美洲生态所带来的影响,对于美洲近代生态史及这一进程中所发生的变化进行了详细地阐释。本翻译项目报告结合翻译的实践内容,对于翻译的译前准备、翻译过程和译后处理进行了详细的说明,同时以术语处理、背景知识和翻译理论的应用为切入点,分析了本次翻译实践过程中的一些具体案例,并对此次翻译实践中存在的问题和不足进行了探讨。本研究报告对于自然科学领域的学术性文章的翻译具有一定的现实意义和指导意义,同时本翻译实践项目所呈现的译文,对于近代美洲殖民史和生态史的研究而言,也有一定的现实价值。
[Abstract]:A Companion to Colonial America is a historical biographical work written by Canadian history professor Daniel Vickles (Daniel Vickers) reflecting the colonial history of modern America. The book consists of 23 chapters, composed of 23 separate works, each written by a veteran historian in the field, from politics, religion, immigration, Gender and ecology show the colonial history of modern America, which is an important reference for the study of modern American history. There is no official Chinese translation of this book. The third chapter of this book, Ecology, is chosen as the translation practice project, and based on this, the translation project report is completed. The author of this chapter, John Brook (John Brooke), a historian, analyzes the impact of American colonial history on American ecology from the broader perspective of ecological history. The modern ecological history of America and the changes in this process are explained in detail. This translation project report combines the practical content of translation with a detailed description of pre-translation preparation, translation process and post-translation processing, with terminology processing, background knowledge and the application of translation theory as the starting points. This paper analyzes some concrete cases in the course of translation practice, and probes into the problems and shortcomings in this translation practice. The present study is of practical and instructive significance to the translation of academic articles in the field of natural science. At the same time, the translation presented by this translation practice project is of great significance to the study of the colonial history and ecological history of the modern America. Also has certain realistic value.


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