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发布时间:2018-12-29 08:26
[Abstract]:Human words belong to basic category words, whose metaphorization is an important means for human beings to form and express concepts. As the core word of human body in English and Chinese, "Xin" is easy to form metaphorical meaning and is worth exploring. Many metaphors in Shakespeare's and Cao's are related to the body word "heart", and the metaphorical expression of "heart" also makes the language of the play more artistic appeal. It is worth mentioning that metaphor is not only a figure of speech, but also a human way of thinking and cognition. Conceptual integration, as a very common cognitive operation, has a strong explanatory power to the meaning construction and inference mechanism of metaphor. Translation itself is also a metaphorical process. From the perspective of Conceptual Integration Theory, this study makes a comparative study of the metaphors of Shakespeare's and Cao's human body words "Xin" and explores more appropriate and effective translation strategies. First of all, from the four great tragedies of Shakespeare (King Lear, Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth), and Cao Yu's famous plays thunderstorm and Sunrise, choose the corpus related to the body word "heart". This paper analyzes the metaphor of Shakespeare's play and Cao's' Heart 'from the rhetorical point of view, and finds out that rhetoric is an important stage of the metaphorical cognition of' Heart'. Secondly, based on the previous cognitive classification framework of metaphor, this paper analyzes the metaphorical expression of "heart" in drama, and constructs three shared cognitive models of "heart" metaphor (that is, "heart" as a material entity and as a container (emotional container). Thought container), as an organism), and the unique metaphorical models of "heart", and using the theory of conceptual integration to interpret each model, and to explore the cognitive mechanism of the construction of metaphorical meaning of "heart". It is found that conceptual integration theory can effectively explain the process of meaning construction of "heart" metaphor. The metaphorical cognition of Shakespeare's drama and Cao's "Xin" shows the characteristics of "same coexistence, much the same little difference". Due to the similar body experience of English and Chinese people, the metaphorical cognitive mode of "heart" has the same rules; However, due to the differences of English and Chinese language systems, the metaphor of "mind" also has its own cognitive patterns. Finally, based on the metaphorical translation model from the perspective of conceptual integration, this paper investigates the existing representative versions and analyzes the ways in which the metaphors of "Heart" are handled in different versions. It is found that the translator's translation strategies for "heart" metaphor can be summed up into three types: complete correspondence projection, partial correspondence projection (original text space projection and translator spatial projection) and non-corresponding projection integration; Translators tend to use the first method to deal with the metaphor in Shakespeare's play "Xin", while the third method is the main method, and the second method is the same proportion of the two. The author hopes that this study will provide a new perspective for the study of metaphor and translation of body words in Shakespeare's and Cao's dramas.


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